Dark Icon


Vital Stats:

Alias: Marc Washington
Sex: Yes
Age: 28 years (Current Incarnation)
Height/Weight: None of your damn business/None of your damn business.
Eyes/Hair: Two/Some... in various places.
Race: 100-yard dash. (But not since high-school.)
Location: 33:33:58N 84:24:29W - Elevation: approx. 924 ft.
Marital Status: Now I don't go around asking YOU personal questions, do I?

Not So Vital Stats:

Favorite TV shows:
  • Star Trek: Voyager
  • Mad-TV
  • Dennis Miller Live
  • South Park
  • Stargate SG-1

    Favorite Musicians:

  • Public Enemy
  • Pet Shop Boys
  • Filter
  • Art of Noise
  • DMX
  • Prince. (and I don't mean 'The Artist'... I mean PRINCE, dammit!)

    Favorite Authors:

  • H.P. Lovecraft
  • Steven King
  • Clive Barker
  • H.P. Lovecraft
  • H.P. Lovecraft
  • Terry Brooks
  • H.P. Lovecraft
  • Dean Koontz
  • Edgar A. Poe. (you DO know who he is, right?)
  • H.P. Lovecraft

    Favorite Books:
    Go here to see some of my favorite books.

    Favorite Movies:

  • Hellraiser/ Hellraiser 2
  • Terminator 2: Judgement Day
  • The Matrix

    Most embarrasing moment:
    Yeah, right.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why do you write horror?
    It keeps me from killing peope.

    Why do you write science-fiction?
    Have you ever heard the news report on new technology and then wondered where it could go ten, fifteen, or fifty years from now? Or ever wondered what an alien race would REALLY think of us humans? Me to, so I write about it. But besides the 'What-If?' aspect, sometimes there is a point I am trying to prove. When I was growing up, a lot of folks were under the impression that the future would be this wonderful, amazing place. Some, perhaps most of us, were disabused of this notion over time. (After all, we are IN the future, and besides the Internet, I don't see too much wonderful or amazing about it.) But I feel it is my civic duty to administer the bitch-slap of reality to the remaining fools: What we do TODAY affects what we get tomorrow... just watch the news and you'll see that, generally, the future of our children and grandchildren is going to be really fucked-up. I mean REALLY fucked up. Read Crimes of Personality, and think hard about the direction our society is moving, espescially in America. It's coming, people; and I mean that with all seriousness. Modern society is waging a War against the Individual. No, I'm not going to explain or define that... those who've been paying attention for the past 10 to 20 years already know what I'm talking about. You'll see more of this type of theme in my sci-fi work... at least until they get censored.

    Why do you write fantasy?
    Because it's fun and easy. That's it. I LOVE fantasy, and at least for me it is one of the quickest, easiest genres to write. Hell... you just make everything up! That, combined with the fact that I am the laziest person I know, is the reason why there is three times as much fantasy on this website than any other type of story. Horror and Sci-Fi take too much work.

    Some of your Dragon's-Inn characters seem familiar...
    My characters are all original creations, but some of them are inspired by popular comic-book characters. I'll leave you to figure out just who is inspired by whom...

    That Dragon's Inn stuff sounds cool. How can I play?
    Visit the Dragon's Inn Home Page and wander around that site until you find their FAQ. It explains everything.

    I've read the Dragon's Inn newsgroup and didn't find anything good...
    In case it wasn't clear from the Dragon's Inn Home Page, the AD-I newsgroup is for AMATEUR writers. If you've been weaned on Terry Brooks and other professional stuff that you buy in stores, then the newsgroup may not be quite up to your standards. BUT... there are a few writers that produce professional-quality stuff. I'm going out on a limb here, but if you're looking for some EXCELLENT fantasy from the newsgroup, look for posts from these writers: Becca Ward, Cathy Mosely, Danny Wall, Greg Dewey, Blake Sinclair, Boyd Boedecker, and Grey Feathers. This isn't to say that everything else isn't good, but in my opinion these are the best. ALSO note that just because an author posts a story doesn't mean that he or she wrote the ENTIRE thing themselves. Most stories on the newsgroup have two or three authors.

    Why did you create this site?
    Mainly to get exposure and feedback for my fiction. Plus... constantly having to provide fresh content gives me more incentive to actually *finish* the stories that I start.

    What kind of feedback do you want?
    Any kind. Positive feedback is always appreciated. Negative feedback is also appreciated, BUT ONLY if it is detailed and constructive. Don't just tell me a story sucked... tell my WHY you think it sucked and what could have made it better.

    Do you respond to feedback and other e-mails?
    Usually, except in the case of SPAM and other commercial crap.

    What is you favorite story in this site? Why?
    Hope, Because it is written from the heart. (heh, heh, heh...)

    What is your LEAST favorite story and why?
    The Drawing. I honestly don't know WHAT I was thinking.

    Why so much profanity in some of your stories?
    Because it's the way real people talk. If you have a problem with reality, then I suggest you stop wasting time on the internet and seek professional help.

    Why are some of your stories so violent?
    Either I kill fictional people or I kill real ones. Take your pick.

    Your stories are disturbed... What kind of nut are you, anyway?
    Schizoid Personality Disorder... Look it up.

    Any plans for a novel?
    Several actually. I'm currently co-writing a fantasy novel with one of the dragons-inn authors. In addition, I have developed a few ideas for some solo novels. Right now it is just a matter of finding the time to write them all. Of course, if you really want to read a novel written by me, read Beasts of Winter. That serial fantasy story from the dragons-inn newsgroup turned out to be over 110,000 words... well into the novel range. It's quite a nice little story, too.

    Ever had anything published in print?
    Not much. Possessions was published in some newspaper out west, and that's about it. Some of my stories can be found on other horror and sci-fi sites on the internet.

    Where do you get your ideas?
    Everywhere. They come from dreams, nightmares, newspaper headlines and events in my own life. If you are creative enough, you can turn ANYTHING into a story. (Not necessarily a GOOD one...)

    Any advice to other writers just getting started?
    Hell, I'M just getting started! Okay, here's my number one piece of useful advice: If you want to be a writer... WRITE! Every day! A day I don't write SOMETHING is a day that was a complete waste, no matter WHAT ELSE I accomplished. And FINISH what you start... don't lose interest halfway through a story because it suddenly turned boring. It's your job as a writer to MAKE it exciting. Try to write every day and the rest will fall into place... at least that's that way it's been going for me.

    What do you do besides write?
    Wish I had more time to write. I DO have a day job, but it is not relevant to this website.

    Republican or Democrat?
    Neither. I'm a Libertarian and DAMN proud of it. If you're really, really, REALLY interested in my stance on things political, check out this page here.

    Did you design the Dark Icon website yourself?
    Yes, and I did it the way REAL men do it... with NOTEPAD, not some funky, memory-hogging HTML editor! You hear me! NOTEPAAAD!!!! (However I do use the HTML extentions on Word 6.0 to bulk-convert the stories into a web format). The Dark Icon logo and image map (on the main page) were done using a neat 3-D ray-tracing program called POV-RAY. It is hard to learn, but once you put for the effort it becomes very easy to use and it can do some pretty amazing things.

    How do I submit stories to your site?
    You don't. I created this site for my own work, and everything here is written by me unless otherwise noted. The Dark Icon website is NOT a 'zine or professional web-publication. I'm just a guy with an old computer and too much free time. Looking to publish your stuff online? Check out my links page for some possible leads.

    Your story was great, but you should work on your [Choose one: spelling/grammar/word usage/html]
    Is that ALL you've got to say? No "good story" or "this story sucked because..."? Well, thank you. Now go f*ck yourself. Really... you're reading stories for free. There are no editors getting paid to go over every line and make sure the spelling and grammar are in perfect standard English. If you can't overlook a few errors and ENJOY THE DAMNED STORY then you should go buy a novel or a magazine and stay off the internet. Gimme some REAL feedback, asshole.

    Any other questions? E-Mail me.
    last updated: 4/2/00

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