Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror


Chapter 11: Lucc Caithe's Statement

There are certain areas of the forest that are magical and have been for
more generations than can be counted, and these areas have warded
boundaries. My father and I now live within one of these areas and because
we do we are made aware even when someone trespasses on the far edges.
Which is what happened last night - I was awakened and led to a glade that
sits on the far boundary.

It was obvious that the ground had disturbed. This had been a site of one
of the Republica's hidden graves - for the "lost ones." The "missing
ones." But this one had been found after the Republica left and the bodies
had been brought home for a decent burial. It was obvious that the soil
had been recently turned and used to fill a part of the grave in.

I had not been there long when Miss Dyer and an older gentleman, whose
name I later learned was Mr. Ournel, arrived. They were accompanied by
Yals, and two other men. A tall thin one and a heavy-set man, who was a
mage. They explained that they were tracking Mr. Ournel's assailant and
had just come from a fire in the shanty town. The magical trail had led
them to this site. I offered to join them on the search, since I feared
that whomever they hunted was responsible for that new grave.

Another teleport took us to the blasted plain near the Church's Citadel. A
ruined, sick area where magic is wild.

Within this area we could track the man's actual footprints, which led
to the ruins of the Citadel. And it was soon obvious that he had fallen
through to a lower level.

After preparing torches we went down and began searching the destroyed

At one point we heard someone scream out a phrase. Something like, "I love
you?" And then we heard running.

The thin man was well ahead of us - tracking Mr. Ournel's assailant, and
when we finally caught up with him he was using a knife to try and
question the man.

Once we got the suspect tied up the mage teleported us back to the edge of
the forest, and left us.