Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror

Streets of Ice

Chapter 3: Interview with the Crimelord

Templeton Glenn sat behind his desk and puffed on an expensive cigar. It was one of the few extravagances he allowed himself nowadays. He was in the back-office of his antique shop... one of many dozens of such shops in Montfort. Soon, their number would be decreased by one. Yesterday's 'going out of business' sale had gone better than expected, and this morning, Glenn's men were out using the proceeds to pay off outstanding debts from both the shop and Glenn's 'other' businesses.... The casino, which was quasi-legal. And the prostitution ring which was not. Glenn intended to leave with a clean slate.

He was enjoying a particularly flavorful lung-full of smoke when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" he yelled.

"Somebody to see you, boss. Says his name is..."

Pause.... whispers...

"...says his name is Chain."

"Let him in."

The door swung open and a large man entered. He was well over 6' tall, probably approaching 7. Completely bald and dressed in black studded leather armor, with muscles bulging in just about every conceivable location. He had no weapons, unless he counted the thick iron chain that he wore looped around his waist and thrown over his formidable shoulder like some kind of ceremonial sash. He had an air of menace about him... but so did half the people in the city. Still, Glenn noticed something in the visitor's eyes that he couldn't quite describe. No... not something in them... something *missing from* them. The man glanced around room, and then stared at Glenn with a vacant intensity that would make month-dead zombie the chills. The stranger sat down in the chair opposite Glenn's desk. His chain made an annoying rattle as it settled.

Glenn nodded, and the guard left, closing the door behind him.

"What can I do for you?" said Glenn. "Interested in some antiques?"

"No," replied Chain. His voice was deep and forceful. It wasn't loud, but it was obvious that he could rattle the windows if he wanted to.

"Well then..." Glenn lowered his voice and leaned forward. "Casino's closed. Some women perhaps? It's a bit early in the day, but-"

"I want information."

Glenn frowned.

"December." said Chain. "I want to know about December." There was a long pause as Glenn studied him. He said nothing.

"Aren't you going to ask me to leave?" said Chain.

"Now why would I do that?"

"Most people do when I mention December."

"With good reason. A man risks death just saying that name in the wrong context. You don't seem the type to be in the market for any of his over-priced jewels, which means that this is definitely the wrong context."

"I'm the one asking the questions. I'm taking the risks."

"You don't know December, do you?"

"That's why I want information."

"What KIND of information?"

"What he's up to. Who he's got working for him.... What he's hiding."

"What are you... Tower Guard?"

"Do I look like Tower Guard?"

"Yes. Like the chains, by the way... nice touch."

"They're not for decoration. Back to my questions..."

"I'll tell you what I know. Who you are doesn't really matter to me, not any more. If you're Tower Guard then that's all the better."

Chain raised an eyebrow.

"Go ahead and ask." said Glenn

"Soloman Nale"

"Sol the Snail? Friend of mine... we were in 'non-competing' businesses, if you know what I mean."


"I'm into prostitution. He is... or was... into drugs. Minor supplier. Smuggling, too."

"This friend of yours... what was his connection with December."

"Originally, none. He owed Sinterbourne some gold. When December took over, Sol wouldn't pay him. Says the debt didn't transfer. December disagreed."

"So it was about money. But December's rich... why bother with a small-timer like the Snail?"

"Principle. With December, if you owe, you're damn sure going to pay. If not, he'll send that rat-bastard Hood after ya.'"

"Eric Hood."

"Street punk. Heaping pile of mean with a vicious streak down the middle."

"He works for December."

"Hell, he IS December. Somebody want's to do business with the big man, they gotta go through Hood. You'll never see the two of 'em in the same room, but everybody knows who Hood's got behind him."

"Another name... Damion VonSinterbourne."

"A nobody. Not gonna miss him at all."

"What did he have?"


"Why did December go after him?"

"How the hell should I know? Gotta start somewhere, I guess."

"What was he into.... Sinterborne?"

"Protection... hustling the shopkeepers. And that arena of his."

"Tell me about that."

"Nothing to tell. I never went."

"But you must have heard something."

"Hell of a show, that's all. Bloody. Men and beasts... no weapons."

"And you weren't the least bit curious?"

"Not really. Violence doesn't appeal to me... gambling and women, that's what I do."

"All right... Jerimiah Trisk."


"From Bephal. December killed his daughter-"

"Look... I know Montfort, but I don't know nothing about no 'Jeremy Trask' or whatever."

"What about the Night's Bloom?"

"Rivus and his bunch? Used to be hard-core caravan-robbers. Pretty damn good, too."

"And now?"

"December's private army. Anybody who asks too many questions about them or their boss gets 'vanished.'"

"How many are there?"

"One. Ten. A thousand. I have no idea. If I knew, I wouldn't be talkin' to ya. I'd be dead."

"Zade. What do you know about her?"

"Mercenary. Worked for Sinterbourne...bodyguard or something. After he got dead, she hooked up with December."

"She any good?"

"Good enough for December, obviously."

"But not good enough for Sinterbourne, considering the fact that he's dead."

"heh, heh."

"Why do you suppose he wanted her? Something special about her?"

"If you'd ever laid eyes on her, you wouldn't ask that. Man's gotta have some fun, you know?"

"No. And I HAVE seen her."

"You know I hear she used to be a-"

"I know. One last question.... Why are you talking to me? You, yourself said it was dangerous. Aren't you afraid?"

"Hell yes, I'm afraid. That's why I'm leaving. That's why it don't matter if I answer your questions."


"Sinterbourne and Soloman were only the beginning. The big boys like Charn and Aeragar, they have a chance...maybe. But us small-timers can either run, give-in, or get iced. Literally. A ratty casino and a few whores aren't worth my life. I'm getting out while I still can."

"But what if you could fight back?"

"I can't."

"But what if you COULD."

"Then I'd be a fool. Nobody fights December."

"I can."

Glenn sat and stared.

"I've got men... professionals. I can take him down with a little backing from guys like you."


"Think about it... not only is December gone, but anyone who helps me is automatically in a position to take on the other major players-"

"We don't play that way here, Mr. Chain. 'Til December arrived, we were one big family. There was a pecking order; everybody knew their place and stayed out of each other's way."

"I can give that back to you... plus get you significantly closer to the head of the table."

"No thanks. Hell, for all I know you could even WORK for December. This sounds like something he and that bastard Eric Hood would pull... fish around for anyone stupid enough to take the bait, and then cut them down as an example to the others."

"By the same token, YOU could be a plant. You could have your lips to December's ear as soon as I leave this room."

There was an uncomfortable silence that lasted for almost a full minute

"So, when are you leaving town?" said Chain.

"Soon. Even sooner, now that I've spoken to you."

"You have nothing to worry about from me. Unless, of course, you get in the way of those who have the guts the stand up for themselves."

"Yeah, and those guts'll be strewn up and down the street. Yours included. Whatever it is you've got planned, count me out."

"And your men... guards, enforcers... are you taking them with you?"

"I'm retiring. Don't need any of those goons anymore. Why?"

"I've got men, but I'll need more."

"Can't help you. But they'll be out of work soon, so talk to them on your own."

"Well then, it was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Glenn."


Chain stood. Glenn watched him as he made his way toward the door.

"Wait..." he said.

"Yes," replied Chain

"What the Hell, I'm leaving town anyway..." Glenn pulled out a piece of paper and began scribbling notes on it. He handed it to Chain.

"What is it?"

"You CAN read, can't you?"


"It's names. My men... and some of Sol the Snail's, too. They'll be needing work. They aren't the best-"

"I've already GOT the best... what I need is sword-fodder."

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

Glenn looked around, as if he didn't trust the sanctity of his own office...

"Is there something else?" said Chain.

"...Sol the Snail. He was a smuggler. He had cache of weapons and armor. Not much, but it's good stuff...REAL good stuff. Military grade. Told me where it was, in case... you know. But I've got no need for 'em... weapons aren't my thing. "

"And are you donating them to the cause?"

"No. I'm just saying that if someone were to dig around in the ruins south of where Sinterbourne's place used to be, they might find something interesting. It'll be heavy and buried deep, probably need a mage to get it out and break the protection spells."

"I'm sure I can manage."

Glenn shrugged and smiled.

Chain walked away without another word.



Chain approached the shop and peered through the thick glass window. There was so much junk inside that he couldn't see if anyone was there. No matter... he was going in anyway.

Chain pushed open the door and entered. The heavy metal chain wrapped around his waist and left shoulder clinked noisily as he made his way through the furniture, lamps, tapestries, and other assorted housewares. Finally, he found the empty counter. He walked up and stood there for a moment.

"Jennek!" he yelled.


Jennek heard the door open as he made his way down the stairs, carrying a crystal goblet carefully. It was one of a set of six, and he had been admiring the quality of the workmanship as he 'tested' it's wine holding properties.

It'll fetch a fine price, that was cert...

He jumped as his name was bellowed, nearly dropping the precious object, and swallowed nervously.

What in the seven hells?

He opened the door, and came face to face with a bizarre sight. A man, with - chains? - wrapped about him? Jennek briefly wondered which overlords dungeon he had escaped from, then dismissed the thought. After all, it still might be an opportunity for profit, and the gods knew he needed it.

"How may I help you? I'm afraid you have the advantage, you know me, but I'm afraid I've misplaced your name?"


"Misplaced? You never had it. My name is Chain and I seek information. Word on the street is that you've provided it to others in the past... and now I want you to provide it to me. Tell me what you know of December."


"W-What? Who... No, no need to say who..."

Jennek thought furiously, then stared the stranger straight in the eyes.

"December? He's a jeweler. Trades in gems, that sort of thing. Has a shop, House of December I think it's called, or something like that. You'll find it off that way, ask anyone around and they'll point you towards it..... Now, I really must be getting back to my books, taxes are due soon you know..."

Jennek remembered the goblet he still held, and held it up in the light, pretending to look for minute flaws in the etching of its patterns, before turning back to the door behind the counter.

"Come back and visit, you won't find better merchandise in Montfort..."


There was a *whoosh* as a six-foot length of chain swept through the air. It narrowly missed Jennek's head, but it completely obliterated the goblet he had been carrying. Shards of broken glass flew everywhere.

"Oh, you mean THAT merchandise?" said Chain. He was twirling his namesake weapon around like a rope, waiting for a suitable target to present itself. "Now you KNOW that's not the 'merchandise' I want. I WAS going to pay you, but I think I'll save my money for someone who deserves it. I still need the information, though... which means I'll have to find some OTHER way to motivate you..."


Jennek jumped as the goblet exploded into fragments of crystal, and leapt backwards. His worst fears were realized. Having spoken to one about December, it appeared that all and sundry would be coming to call on him to gain the information they wanted. It didn't appear that he had much of a choice - he could refuse, and this thug would probably kill him, or he could tell what he knew, and suffer at the hands of December later...

The options turned over in his head, and then he came to a decision. It was hard, but probably the only one he could take; to tell this - Chain - what he wanted to know, and then to pack up and leave for somewhere very far away in the hope that December thought it worthless to pursue him.

"I'll.. I'll tell you what I can, just leave me alone. December, he *does* have a shop, but I think it's not the only thing he's involved in. Someone else once asked me about him, and I can only tell you what I told them..."

He gulped nervously, then continued.

"There's a pretty unsubstantiated rumor that he might have had something to do with Damion Sinterbourne's misfortune recently - December might be removing some of the competition, although there's nothing to link him with it directly. Just a couple of people that suggested it, and they seem to have met with nasty accidents recently. There's something called the Night's Bloom that he is linked with - I haven't run across them yet, but they have terrorized some of the trade caravans that come through here.

And I think I remember another name - Eric? An-And if you want to try and find him - try in the club PanDemonica."

Jennek twisted his hands around, trying desperately to stop them shaking. He would have to pack tonight, and be gone before first light. *If* this - Chain - was satisfied with the little information he could give him.


Chain nodded. He hadn't really expected anything new from this man, but Jennek DID confirm the things he had heard elsewhere. There was one other question, however..."

"The Night's Bloom... are they still active in the trading routes? Do they have any contacts in the town besides December?"


"Night's Bloom? That bunch of lowdown thieves?"

Jennek's face creased into a frown as he remembered the tattered remains of more than a few caravans that had suffered at their hands.

"Oh yes, they're still about. But they have slackened off a bit recently, left most of us alone. They're rumored to have got pally with Mr. December, and I hear that he curtailed their activities somewhat. Caravans outside of Montfort have still been wrecked by them though, so either December is slacking in his influence or he wants something those particular traders were bringing through. I can't imagine they would suddenly become picky without someone being behind it."

Jennek dug around for a moment in the drawers behind the counter, then brought out a small bit of paper, and passed it to Chain.

"Long before I knew what was going on with the Night's Bloom, and while I still thought the authorities in this place could do something about them, I made a sketch of who I thought the ringleader was when they turned over one of my caravans. That's him. He's Rivus - and no-one seems able to do anything about him and his bunch of cut-throats. Apart from Mr. December, possibly, if the rumors are true."

Jennek stepped over to the door, opening it wide, and swept a hand towards the street.

"I hope you find whatever it is that you are looking for. You might try the PanDemonica - Rivus is said to frequent the place sometimes, with the rest of the Night's Bloom. Oh, and Tansel, young elven lad that helps out with the caravans - running errands and such - reckons that he's seen one of the others talking to Rivus. Mereth I think he said his name was, but I don't know him personally, and if he's anything to do with Rivus, I don't want to neither."

Jennek looked hopefully at the street and then Chain, his feet itching to carry him far far away from Montfort and quickly too.


"Thank you for your time, Mr. Jennek." Chain said. He thought about adding more... a warning of things to come. But no, this man wasn't worth it. Instead he just left the shop without a word and disappeared down the Montfort street.



He approached the gate and presented himself to the guards as if he was a visiting dignitary. The guards, two large, heavily armed men, looked at him as if he were insane.

"Charn." he repeated.

"Who are you?" said the smaller of the guards.

"I told you... My name is Chain. I wish to speak with the master of this house."

"That's still not telling us who you are. You selling something?"

Chain stood with his clenched fists resting on his hips, His chain, looped several times around his waist and then up over his shoulder twice more, clinked nosily as he breathed.

"Does it LOOK like I'm selling something? I wish to have words about December."

"Go ask Charn," said the larger guard. The smaller one left and entered the house, leaving Chain alone with his comrade.

The guard gave him the stern, menacing look that all guards and henchmen seemed to possess. He was very good at his, but Chain's was better.

"I served in the Horde," said Chain. "If I were still capable of feeling fear, it most certainly wouldn't be because of you."

The guard looked away.

The other man returned shortly and opened the gate.

"Charn will see you." he said.

Without so much as word, Chain was escorted into the house, down a series of hallways, and into Charn's office room.

Charn was there. The fat, bald man was sitting in a chair, squeezed in behind his desk. A second later, another man arrived from a side entrance. Bulging muscles and blood-red eyes identified him as Spire, Charn's personal bodyguard. Chain studied him briefly, wondering if the man was as good as his reputation.

Still standing, he turned his attention to Charn.

"I believe we may have something to discuss... something that goes by the name of December."


"We can talk" Charn said leaning back in his chair gauging the man in front of him. Several courses of action ran through his head, before he decided on one. "Though I must admit more than a little curiosity. Why would you seek me out to talk about a gem merchant?"


"The trading of gems is not my concern. And I'm betting it isn't yours either. Allow me to introduce myself... I am Chain."

The metal links about his waist and shoulder shifted slightly, even though Chain himself had not moved one muscle.

"I am a mercenary. I was contracted by someone who was mostly likely beneath the notice of someone like yourself. He hired me for protection, but his enemy struck before my men and I arrived. We came to Montfort anyway... and here I have found a most unique situation. I see men who've spent years building their little empires only to have it all torn down in one night... all because they lack the strength to resist the new bully in the playground. This new force is breaking across the city like a dark fog... swallowing the weak and forcing the strong to divert their energies away from... necessary matters. It occurred to me that there may be profit in removing this new player, and so I started gathering information. Your name has come up quite a few times, Mr. Charn. I wonder what information YOU have to offer.


Charn looked at the man, a slight smile playing across his face.

A new pawn enters the board.

"I have businesses in many cities, not the least of which is Bephal. However, before I tell you what I know, I have a few questions. To start with, why do you want this information, what will you do with the information if I give it to you, and do you want anything besides information?"


"Why? Only a fool enters battle without knowledge of his enemy's strengths and weaknesses. December displays his strength for all who care to see it, and he hides his weaknesses to the point that some say they do not exist. I know better. I want to know what he has. I want to know what he knows. And then I can

act. As for what I will do..."

Chain smiled.

"... It has been my experience that men of December's ilk spend so much time watching their backs that they leave their front wide open. They are always concerned with schemes and conspiracies... but are quite vulnerable to a properly executed direct attack. That time will come soon. Very soon. What I need right now is information. But if you have an interest in the matter, then I will accept whatever support you can lend. Be it men, money, or magic. Of course your involvement, if any, will be kept confidential. Only I will know the identities of my supporters."


Charn's smiled broadened as he listened to the man. He considered his belief that December left his front open to a direct assault more than a little off base, but, it just might weaken December enough to allow for a second wave done a bit more discreetly that would take him out. "Ok then, some information. First, some things I don't know so that you won't ask. I don't know anything about December before he arrived at Bephal -- mind you, I said nothing. I don't know how he came by that peculiar power over cold he has, I just know that he has it. Further, he is able to create gems that shatter on impact and freeze anything solid within some proximity. Anyway, he arrived in Bephal some five years ago. His first order of business was to setup a gem trading shop that was in direct competition to three others. Two of them December bought out, the third went out of business after the man turned up mysteriously murdered. There is no hard evidence, but let there be little doubt in your mind that December was behind it, and likely Eric Hood the person that physically did it. After he was the only gem trader in Bephal, he began taking over the illegal businesses. First in line was gambling and prostitution. Those that did not work for him were killed -- or worse. Rapidly, he and a mage by the name of Jerimiah Trisk, the former underworld boss in Bephal, went head to head. The fighting between the two lasted for sometime with December finally coming out the victor in what was decidedly a *strange* fight. With his conquest of Bephal complete, he has moved here to Montfort. The first thing that you might question is why would someone take over a city the size of Bephal then come to a town that is so much smaller. My answer would be that there is more to this town than there appears, and December wants to know what it is. He has Eric Hood, a man of some reputation as his second-in-command. Next are Lovorrn, a mage, and N'Doki, also a mage. Lovvorn seems to have specialized in defensive spells and runes. N'Doki is some strange sort of necromancer. The four of them together pack one serious punch. If you are going to take out December, then you will need to eliminate, or at least separate them first. Decembers strengths seem to be that he is incredibly intelligent. Intelligent enough that if the person behind you is known to December then count on the fact that December will have considered that you would be here and have a plan already in motion to deal with you and any that you have brought with you. A corresponding weakness is his inability to deal with a real surprise. Mind you, I said a *real* surprise, and just because you think you are dealing him one does not necessarily mean that you are. December also seems to command, and get, incredible amounts of loyalty from those that work for him. As I hope you know, this is both an asset to him and a liability to him. Those three things constitute his personal greatest strengths and weaknesses. However, there is another slight problem. If you wish to attack December head on, then you will also have the Montfort Tower Guard to deal with. You will not only have to fight him, but them as well. Let me assure you, that unless you bring an army, you will fail. December has been linked to no crimes. They may suspect he is behind certain things going on in the city, but for the moment, the *treat* him like a law abiding citizen. Therefore, if he were directly attacked, they would help defend him against the attacker. As to the issue of support. I would be willing to provide some support in the Financial and weapons areas as long as word of when the attack happens is first relayed to me. Now, do you have any questions?"


"Trisk was a mage..." Chain nodded, and a smile crossed his lips. It widened into a sinister grin. "Tell me... were there any weapons involved? Strange magic? And tell me of Sinterbourne, as well. What

did HE have that December wanted?"


"No, there were no weapons, as far as strange magic -- well, not exactly. However, the reports that I received said that the fight itself was strange. The two just stood and talked in the street for a bit and reportedly, Trisk was crying. Not only that, but when December sent one of his thugs after Trisk at the end of the fight, Trisk didn't defend himself. He just let himself be killed without even trying to run or anything, and before you ask, there were no *magical* spells on him. It is believed that December had something else though what that was I can't guess at, I would suspect it would have something to do with the fact that Trisk was crying. As for Sinterbourne, if you could find out *for certain* what he had that December wanted, along with giving me details of it, I would pay a rather large sum. I currently only have a speculation that it had something to do with a potion that was being given to the human combatants prior to a fight. I have no idea of the power or side effects of the potion, or even if that is it. Any other questions?"


"You have told me many new things, Charn... as well as confirmed much that I already knew. As I said, I am gathering information now in preparation for a strike. I have men, professionals, and I have a

lead on some weapons. I will no doubt need more of both. Any contribution you make would be appreciated, and I will be sure to inform you when the time comes. As for Sinterbourne... If I discover any information about the dearly-departed, I'll be sure to pass it along. You are a powerful man in this town, so I will tell you what I have told none other: Not ALL of December's enemies are dead.

There are those *outside* of Montfort who have taken an interest in him... and when he is brought down, there will be an unavoidable scramble for December's 'assets.' These outside parties have staked a prior claim... money, gold, jewels... these things are up for grabs, but the secret of his power, and whatever items of power he has hidden away...these are non-negotiable. They WILL have them. This is not a warning or a threat. It is just information. I will be in touch."

Chain cast another glance at Spire, and then turned to leave.


"Wait, one moment. Another piece of information for you. First, let me highly recommend that you seek out information on two more groups. The first is the Night's Bloom, the second is the Montfort Tower Guard. If you will be attacking December in this city, then you will likely have to fight against the both of them. Secondly, there are other -- organizations -- in the city interested in December and the things he has acquired. If you are successful, *count* on having to fight them as well. The fact that December *had* to have acquired a significant library, as well as other items, from Trisk has likely not escaped the Grey Mansion. The Ashkenazim may very well take an interest in December's body as well as a few other possessions. Mr. Chain, I have little interest in the things that December has acquired, that does not mean others do not share this interest."


"The Night's Bloom I know. They will be dealt with very soon... the common troops are always the *first* to fall in battle. The Tower Guard and the others do not concern me just yet. Now if you will excuse me..." Chain left the room and was escorted out by the guards.


Charn watched as Chain was escorted out of his home before speaking.

"Send word to Mary of what has just transpired. Additionally, see that Bryce is informed. He may well want to have a few special spells ready in case December does fall to capture his spirit. I'd wager that much information could be obtained. However, do let both Bryce and Mary know that all though I will be helping with money and weapons, I place the odds of Chain's success at less than even."


Spire simply nodded, then left the room, issuing orders so that Charn's commands would be carried out.



Chain stepped onto the balcony of the PanDemonica and looked down at the chaos below him. It was an unusually busy night, and the main floor was packed with thugs, thieves, assassins, brigands and rogues of every conceivable description. He scowled down at them and shook his head.

"Problem?" said a voice beside him. He turned to look the club's greeter Leonardo, in the eye. At the same time, the heavy metal chain that was wrapped around Chain's waist and left shoulder began to rattle and vibrate.

"Just checking for weapons," said Leonardo.

"I know." replied Chain. He shot a glance at the short, winged Imp that sat on a pedestal behind Leonardo. "I've been here before."

"Quite right... but that was BEFORE." Leonardo stepped in front of Chain and looked him up and down. Studying him.

"I'm here to see Aeragar." said Chain.

"Not yet, you don't." Leonardo stepped in close, and then pointed to the twin stone tablets that hung on the wall above the bar. "See those rules?"

Chain glanced at the glowing, red writing on the tablets:

1. No Fighting - Take it outside.
2. No Telepathy
3. Pub closes
at Dawn. No Exceptions
4. Stay Away from the Golems
5. No Spitting
6. Curiosity Kills - Mind Your Own Business.
7. Living Only -
Undead, Stay Away!
8. Don't Stare At the IMP!
9. You Steal...You Die.
10. Mages Welcome, But Keep Your Spells to Yourself.

"I said I've been here before."

"And I think you need to pay special attention to Number One. Word travels fast in this town, Shane."

"It's 'Chain,' now."

"Whatever you're planning... keep it OUTSIDE of this establishment. Understood?"

"I'll obey THOSE rules if you obey YOURS. Don't take sides in this, Leonardo. This is not your concern."

"I can take whatever sides I wish... and I decide what concerns me and what does not. I cannot act outside this club, but bring your little war in here,..."

"I said I'd obey the rules. Now where is Aeragar? Down there?"

"No. Follow this balcony and-"

"I know how it works." Chain walked along the balcony, his chain clinking with each step. The wall on his left side was smooth and unbroken... at least it was until the door suddenly appeared beside him. It hadn't been there before, but that was the nature of the club... Doors that lead to secret areas simply didn't exist for people who weren't supposed to use them. Chain entered and found himself in another hallway with no doors on either side. He walked for a distance, and then another door appeared on his right.

Chain paused for a moment, and then knocked.

The door opened promptly. A large man with an almost feral grin sat behind a table facing the door. A tray holding a hand cask of Inebridee Dark Taint and several tall glasses sat on the right side of the table in front of the large man. Strong boxes occupied the floor on one side of the man and a chair pulled up on his other side. A lithe, deadly-looking woman dressed in green silk scrutinized Chain's rear end from her post near the door, but her face betrayed no emotion save the mirror of her master's feral smile.


Good evening, what can I do for you tonight?


"I seek information on a client of yours. A man by the name of December. I can make it worth your while..."

Chain pulled a small pouch from his pocket and tossed it onto Aeragar's table. It jingled with the unmistakable sound of coin.


"Information? -Not my usual product, but I suppose an accommodation can be made." Aeragar opened the pouch and poured the coin on the table then pursed his lips briefly as if calculating exactly how much information the sum might buy.


"Good. Tell me what you can of December... I hear he hasn't ventured into the drug business in this town yet, but that he does make purchases from time to time. Any idea why?"


Aeragar's smile did not fade, if anything it grew slightly more patronizing than before as he poured some ale for Chain.

"Ah, December, he's a player from outside of Montfort. Evidently he sees more future of this tumbled down town than most of the locals do. Obviously he wanted a piece of the local action and scouted around for a relatively soft target.

Damion Sinterbourne ran a private blood sports arena and an extortion racket here in Montfort. December moved in and took over. Sinterbourne lacked the instincts of one native to crime. I hear he was a nobleman. He had some good people, but they were not able to save him from a professional. December has the brains and the resources to pay good help. You probably know his legitimate business; he deals in gems. Since they seem to be cut in the latest styles, I take it he has some connection with importation and perhaps mining."

"His pockets are deep, he once bought my entire stock of foosh, but I believe that was just so Sinterbourne could not buy it." Aeragar chuckled evilly.

"December has good business sense. But any astute man would already know much of what I just told you. Have a drink, Aeragar said lifting his own mug. "Exactly what kind of information are you looking for?"


"Tell me, did you ever pay a visit to Sinterbourne's arena? I hear HE bought a lot of your foosh drug as well... but for what purpose? Any relationship to why December buys the drug now?"


"I did attend one of his shows, the last actually, though I had to leave in order to retain my neutrality. It's not unusual for my customers to fight. I supply dealers, and dealers often wrangle over territory. It's none of my concern. As for the foosh, Sinterbourne was a good customer, he had many upscale clients. There may have been any number of users among them. And there was that potion... You understand it's so difficult to remember such minor details...


"Potion? Sinterbourne used the foosh for his potion? I suppose this potion is one of the 'details' that you

are having trouble remembering... would more gold help ease the flow of memories?"


Aerager smiled the feral smile that Chain had seen on his way in. He was so glad Chain understood him.


Chain tossed more gold coins onto the table.


Still smiling, Aeragar poured Chain a glass of Dark Taint and topped off his own glass. "Ah, now I remember. Any of Sinterbourne's upscale patrons could tell you about it. Although a great number of his patrons perished at his last show, what a pity. Anyhow, I'm sure there must have been some patrons who did not come on that particular night, and there were those of us who survived the battle between Sinterbourne and December..."

"But back to the potion. It was a magical drug. The formula was an inspiration such as the gods of intoxication themselves might have granted some lucky fool,"

:: A vision of Sottie, Aeragar's drunken master came swiftly to mind. Wealth, women, power, the drunkard's gods seemed to shower him with these things like well-wishers showered newlyweds with rice at weddings.::

Aeragar took a long pull of Dark Taint, topped off the glasses from the hand cask and continued with his story:

"The monsters Sinterbourne used were more than their gutter-trash human opponents could have hoped to kill with their bare hands. Each man was like a terrified little mouse compared to a fierce alley cat.

:: In his mind, Aeragar saw the wizard Rafe pull a metal cable that opened a tiny door and let a mouse into a huge glass-topped steel box containing a cat. The mouse streaked toward the cat wailing like no mouse he had ever heard. The cat could only react as the mouse began tearing little chunks of fur and flesh out of it...::

"Sinterbourne's potion, was the equalizer. Imagine if you took a very powerful yet long-acting healing potion, combined it with a powerful pain killer plus a stimulant and then added a third substance that enraged the imbiber to an astounding degree, pushing all fear out of his mind."

:: The memory replayed itself in Aeragar's mind, the cat fought valiantly, but each time it ripped the mouse open or bit it, the mouse healed and continued biting the cats paw or gums or whatever was near enough for it to get its tiny mouth on. In a few minutes, the cat had lost an eye. After five minutes its left paw was little more than a bloody stump. Not long thereafter, the mouse had finished the cat off. Then it had spotted the people watching it. It jumped 3 feet from the floor of the steel box and slammed into glass nearly an inch thick. It cracked the glass and broke every bone in its body including its skull, a few seconds later it jumped again...::

Aeragar looked at Chain, "That was exactly what Sinterbourne's potion did, it turned common gutter scum into crowd-pleasing blood-thirsty maniacs - maniacs who frequently were able to kill monsters that would normally have butchered them. Once the potion took over, they became formidable, but I doubt the strongest will could have countered the rage the potion produced."

:: The memory returned, a second larger crack appeared as the mouse flew at the glass once again. Master Inebridee entered the laboratory. "Most inauspicious," he said taking in the scene. The wizard Rafe scrambled to raise a steel plate on the hoist to cap the box. The drunkard Inebridee smiled his inane yogic smile. The third time the mouse hit the glass, it shattered as if it had been hit by an iron bolt. The mouse woke from it's shattering bash in an instant and launched itself at the drunkard's worthless throat. Aeragar was elated and horrified in one. Then the mouse exploded, splattering the sot's stupid smile with its life's blood.

"how," Aeragar had finally said over his confusion.

"A wise man fights drugs with every ounce of his strength, but a fool embraces and revels in them."

The memory faded. Aeragar had spent countless hours puzzling over the drunken fool's inane words until he began to see the wisdom in them. Rather than fighting the potion's rage, the vicar of intoxication had used his power to enhance the potion's effect. The mouse's body could not contain the astounding energy and rage thus produced. Its heart had literally exploded, killing it instantly. It was exactly the same thing

that would have happened had the mouse been given an over-dose.::

Aeragar smiled stupidly at Chain and said, "The rage element guaranteed the potion had little usefulness outside the arena, but a great deal of entertainment value within."


"Oh, I don't know about being useless outside the arena," said Chain. "I've seen similar effects, although without the healing element, produce remarkable feats on the field of battle. A man such as December would be very interested in something like that... especially if he was planning some kind of... offensive. Hmmm..... And now it would be safe to assume December has this potion all to himself. Tell me what you know about the Night's Bloom."


"I suppose the potion could have its uses, as long as December made sure his people were not in the area when a suicide trouper drank it," Aeragar scratched his head thoughtfully.

"In any case, Sinterbourne's building was destroyed. I have no idea if December has the potion, or it its secret perished in the fire and is now known only to the gods of intoxication,"

Aeragar smiled.

"As for the nights bloom, from what I saw they were competent, mostly fighters, a couple of mages, all professionals, but I don't expect that comes to you as a surprise. If there is anything distinctive about December, it is the magic he and his people have command of. I don't believe Sinterbourne had the wealth to hire any wizards. They don't come cheap."


"Yes... magic does seem to be his strength. And it can be a weakness as well."

Chain thought to himself for a moment.

"Well, if there is nothing else you wish to add, I believe this concludes our business."


"Good then, should you wish to go into the sale of pharmaceuticals in the future, by all means stop buy. My products are popular and sell well as long as you are able to carve out a territory for yourself in the city." Aeragar took out a palm-sized box and handed it to Chain, "A sampler."


Chain received the gift and nodded in thanks.

He left the Club and headed out into the street, where three armed men joined him.

"I think I have all we need," he told his comrades. "We are ready to begin..."



Theesa spent the entire morning telling her captor about herself.

She told him about her childhood and how, at six years old, her life's ambition was to be a winged fairy like in her mother's bedtime stories.

She told him about her 'gift,' and the celebrity it brought to her family... at least until she inadvertently 'discovered' that her father's best friend had murdered his own family and blamed it on the marauders that had been seen around town. She told him how nothing happened to that man... but that as a result, her family was run out of town at sword-point.

She told him about Winton, her loving husband whom she had met at a dance. It had been love at first sight. He was a carpenter, but he dreamed of being on the Royal Guard of Bahn-Mohr just like his older brother. That dream ended when he was struck down in the street by a runaway horse.

She told December of her life, or lack thereof, since her husband's death. Struggling to keep what little they owned out of the hands of the thieves and creditors. She told him of her nightly thanks to the gods that she didn't have any young ones to care for, and that the only person she could let down was herself.

Theesa told him all these things and much more. She spoke until the mid-morning sun beamed through the windows... and then on into the afternoon.

She must told him everything there was to know about herself, and her captor soaked it all in silently, without a word.

And in all that time, Theesa's curiosity about December went completely unsatisfied. She watched his face as he completely avoided looking at her. She kept a close eye on his expression- or lack thereof- as her words failed to move him beyond the occasional nod or raised eyebrow. On the rare occasions that he DID speak, it was hardly ever in response to one of her questions. Those he answered mostly with maddening silence. What little he said was carefully phrased so as to reveal absolutely nothing about himself.

But December did not remain a COMPLETE mystery... his actions and surroundings told Theesa more than perhaps December would have liked. She knew that, despite the rather spartan living arrangements, December was a very rich man. His few furnishings were all antiques... very expensive, yet in almost mint condition. They had been cared for meticulously. By December? Probably not... December's home displayed the touch of a servant's hand. Probably a very well-paid one.

He was most likely still a jeweler. Whatever had transformed him from the happy youth of her vision to the cold-hearted, paranoid *thing* he was now, probably did not involve a change in profession. His hands lacked the calluses of any type of hard work. He wore no rings or jewels of any kind, but there was a gold chain that looped around his neck and vanished into his shirt. It was small and easily missed in a casual inspection... or was it? Had he been wearing it earlier, or did he don it after she had awakened? Theesa wondered what was at the end of that chain.

A few shiny, decorative pieces adorned the mantle above December's fireplace. Theesa didn't get up to examine them closely, but one appeared to be a large crystal and gold vase containing... something.

There was also the bizarre scratching sound that emanated from behind the walls on occasion. Rats or other vermin were out of the question... a pet perhaps? Theesa visualized December with a fluffy white cat draped over his lap. The image fit, but where was the animal kept? Why didn't it come out?

It was just after noon when December suddenly stood and walked over to a large oak desk that sat in the corner. He pulled out a piece of paper, scribbled a few lines upon it, and then disappeared down the hallway that lead to the back door. Theesa heard the door open and then close, and a few moments later December returned without the paper. He had obviously sent a message to someone, probably concerning his store that he was neglecting for the day. But there was no knock... how did he know that a messenger was at the door?

"I'm hungry." said Theesa as December reentered the room. "Will there be food during my captivity here or do you intend to starve me to death?"

December looked at her and blinked few times.

"Food?" said Theesa. "You DO know what food is, don't you? Or is that something ELSE you don't have a need for."

"There is fruit in the kitchen."

"Fruit. No eggs. No bacon. You don't eat, do you?"

"My needs for food and sleep are different from those of most men."

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning there is fruit in the kitchen. I shall have something more substantial delivered later in the day."

Theesa sighed and found the kitchen. The place was immaculate, as if it had never been used. A enormous basket of fruit sat atop a table in the center of the room. It was crammed with apples, pears, peaches, oranges, nectarines, kiwis and other fruits that Theesa had never seen before. From their arrangement, Theesa could tell that a few apples and pears had been removed. By who? She ran her fingers across the tightly-woven basket and opened her mind to any impressions that lay hidden there. She was getting something...

"There is nothing in there to see!" December's voice called from the den. Theesa jerked her hand away. She grabbed a few apples and oranges and returned to her place.

"Some breakfast," she said as she sat down. "You obviously don't have many visitors." Theesa bit into a bright red apple. It was delicious... December must have had it imported from somewhere.

"So are you going to tell me about yourself now?"

December sighed.

"What is it that you would like to know?"

Theesa perked up... it almost appeared as if she was going to get some questions answered.

"What do you do?" she asked. "...when you're not holding women hostage in your house?"

"I am a jeweler. I specialize in diamonds and gems of a very rare size and quality."

"You have a store?"


"Then why aren't you there?"

"My affairs can run themselves adequately without my direct involvement."

"Which leaves you free to sit here and stare at the empty fireplace all day."

"And to hold women hostage in my home."

huh? thought Theesa.

"Was that a joke?"

"My store... Perhaps you would like to see it."

"uhhh... I hate to ask this, but... am I still a prisoner?"


"How do you know I won't scream my head off the second we get outside?"

"Because you will not leave this house until I am certain that you are not a threat."

"If you think I'm dangerous, then why keep me here at all?"

"Would you rather I kill you?"

"Nooo... but why keep me locked up in the same house with you? Why not a dungeon somewhere?"

"Friends should be kept close, and enemies closer still."

"I'm not your enemy. I promise."

"Perhaps. Perhaps not."

"But that's not the only reason, is it?"

"If you are going to mention her again... do not."

"Okay. YOU mention her. What was she like?"

"We will not have this conversation. Speak of something else."

"What then? You won't tell me anything, and you've heard all there is to hear about ME, so NOW what are we going to do?"

December sat silently for a while. Theesa listened to the sound of her own breathing... And then:

"I was born in the northlands, what most people call the Arctic. My people were nomads... we followed the traditional hunting routes and made temporary villages whenever food was in abundance. When the animals moved on, so did we-"

"You don't seem the 'hunting' type."

"This was long ago. Much has happened since then."

"Like what?"

"Things that you do not wish to know."

"Are they still there? Your family-"

"Is dead."

"Your people-"

"Are dead. I am the last."

"What happened to them?"

"They were slaughtered by a madman who lusted for what little treasure we had."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Were all your people like you?"

"They were human."

"And you're not?"

December faced Theesa. His sky-blue eyes glowed slightly, and Theesa felt the room temperature drop. Her skin grew goosebumps, but December's pale, white flesh was unaffected.

"What do YOU think?" he said.

"I think you w-were once... and you still ARE, only you don't want to admit it."

"You are naive." said December. His eyes stopped glowing and the room temperature began to rise.

"Maybe. So if your people were human... what happened to you? Were you born that way?"

"No." said December. "My humanity was taken from me... and that is all I wish to say on that subject."

"Was it taken, or did you GIVE it away?"

"It was as I said - Taken. By force. Ask more at your own peril."

"Okay. Fine."

Once again, the strange scratching sound arose from behind the wall. Theesa was just about to ask what it was when December stood and left the room. She heard him open the back door... although, just as before, she heard no one knock.

There were voices. A conversation. December's low voice was easily distinguishable, although she couldn't quite make out the words. The other voice was... strange. It was just a normal male voice, yet something about it made the hair on Theesa's neck stand on end. She could have very easily screamed for help, but not until she knew who that voice belonged to. Theesa got up and peered around the corner. At the end of the hallway she saw December. He had positioned himself so that his visitor was shielded from view.

"Return to your room." said December. He turned and was looking at her. "Go there... the door will lock behind you. I have private business to discuss."

Theesa backed away. Bolting for the open door would take her right past December and his as yet unseen visitor. She wouldn't make it. Theesa nodded and headed back up the stairs...

[Eric Hood]

"Who's that, boss?"

"A visitor."

Eric caught a short glimpse the small, blond woman before she vanished upstairs.

"Cute." he said.

"She is not your concern."

"Whatever you say."

Eric followed December into the living room and stood silently as his employer sat down.

"I stopped by the store to find you, but you weren't there..."

"Obviously not," said December. "Report."

"Somebody's asking questions..." Eric glanced toward the stairs. A door slammed loudly, and then there was silence.

"She cannot hear," said December.

"You sure?"

December gave him a stern look that told him his question should not have been asked.


"These questions. Who is asking them?"

"Somebody new in town... a big guy wearing chains. I don't know much, but he's making no secret of himself."

"Then he is a fool. Find him and follow him. Report on his activities when we meet tomorrow night."

"I could just kill him. It'd be easier."

"No. Not until we know who he is and what wants. Then we deal with him accordingly."

"Good... I'm looking forward to it."

"Is there anything else?"

"Yeah. This woman-"

"Is not your concern."

"But you told me that you didn't-"

"I told you that it is NOT your concern. Leave me, now."

"Yeah, boss. Sure."

Eric nodded and left. Seconds after the back door closed behind him, he felt the slight change in the air as the protective wards re-sealed the house. As Eric made his way across town, his mind was occupied by a singular thought: women. His employer had been taking an unusual interest in females lately... first the little girl from a few weeks ago, then Zade, and now this stranger. The Boss had gone out of his way to help, or not to harm these nobodies. This drastic change in behavior did not bode well. Eric wondered... no... felt absolutely certain this was the beginning of something very, very bad.


Meanwhile, Theesa paced back and forth in her room. The door was wide open... she couldn't bring herself to lock her own cell door behind her. Instead, she walked and thought... walked and thought. How could she get out of here?


Theesa jumped halfway to the ceiling when the room's only door slammed shut. She walked over to it and tried the knob. It wouldn't turn.


No answer.

She listened a while longer, and thought she heard something...

Sniffing? Someone sniffing outside the door?

"Who's there?"

There was a mewling cat-like sound, and then the sniffing ended.

"Hmmmm... sounded too big to be a cat. What was it?"

Theesa was suddenly glad that the door was locked. She returned her attention to the room. It was still just as bare as before, but surprisingly the bed had been made. December had been with her the entire time... so who had done it?

"Cats don't make beds."

There were several layers of old blankets that must have been piled upon her as she slept last night. They were still there, with the topmost layer being the one that had triggered her earlier vision. She drew that one back and grasped the patchwork quilt underneath. She opened her mind...

...and got a vivid flash of the apples she had eaten earlier. The taste exploded in her mouth as if she had just taken another bite...


She rubbed her hand across the surface, testing for more impressions. She had her eyes closed, and wasn't expecting the sudden jolt when her fingers touched one of the patches.

"Ouch!" she drew back as if she had been stung. The other impressions had been so calm and tranquil that the sudden bolt of anger was like getting her hand caught in a mousetrap. Theesa examined the patch closely... it appeared to have been made from a piece of old shirt.

"Ah-HA!" she said. Preparing herself for the flood of strong emotion, Theesa reached down and touched the patch. She opened her mind to the vision that it contained...

[To Be Continued]
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