Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror

Streets of Ice

Chapter 21: Everything Freezes


Belladrox sat in a dusty, rotting chair on the balcony across from the stage.

What a dump, he thought as he looked down at the rows of dilapitated chairs below him. The place was filthy even by HIS standards. Whoever the last owners of the theater were had decided to pile all their refuse on the floor between the stage and the first row of seats, resulting in a heap of old sets, costumes and other unidentifiable junk reaching as high as a man's head. Impossible to see through, but fortunatly Belladrox was on the balcony and had an excellent view.

Now all he needed was a show.

Chain stood on the stage, watching the rooms only unbarricaded entrance like a hawk. Every few moments he'd step behind the curtain and check on the hostage, but he always returned. Belladrox grumbled whenever he caught a glimpse of the woman. She was cute... but Chain had decided to keep her for himself. What a pity. She looked delicate; there probably wouldn't be much left after Chain was finished. Assuming he was going to do anything at all.

I wonder what's happening outside...



Drinder and Bradley crouched on the roof of the old theater, peering down at the streets below. Bradley was on his knees pointing his crossbow at nothing in particular, while Drinder walked calmly from one side of the roof to the other, keeping an eye on as much of the surroundings as possible.

"Whoever it was was right over there..." Bradley pointed to the end of the street, near a leathersmith's shop. "They just stood there for a little while, then they ducked behind that building and vanished. Must have seen me."

"Doesn't matter; they'll have to show themselves eventually. That's one of the reasons Chain chose this building... no hidden approaches. All the other entrances are sealed and blocked."

"So you say," said Bradley.

"There's only one way to get to the girl, and that's through the rest of the men. And there's only one way to get to the men... and that's through that door right down there. We've got the perfect vantage point to see if anyone tries anything fancy."

Bradley raised his hand and motioned for Drinder to be quiet. Then he waved him over to the edge of the roof.

Drinder knelt beside the archer and whispered:

"What do you see?"

"Two shapes. There..."

Bradley pointed. There were two people approaching the building. Judging from the size, one of them was obviously December. The other looked like a woman. Zade?

Drinder smiled.

"Want me to take the woman out?"

"No, it could be a ploy to flush out our position."

"Ohhh..." Bradley obviously hadn't thought of that. "There's only two of 'em, so let 'em come... we'll take care of it."

Drinder walked towards the stairwell.

"What about me?"

"You're look-out. Say here until someone calls you. You'll just get in the way downstairs."


Drinder was already through the door and down the stairs. He burst out onto the first floor.

"Heads up! We've got company. Looks like the man himself, and one other."

"Good," said Grims. "It's about time!"

The men took their positions... well away from the door, but ready to rush the first person that stepped inside.

The air filled with a loud, cracking sound... like the snapping of wood when a tree falls. The sturdy wooden door that lead outside turned white.... ice was collecting on it.... And then...


The door exploded in a rain of frozen, brittle fragments.


"WHERE IS CHAIN!!!" howled Zade.

She and December paused in the doorway, and four armed men confronted them.

Zade glanced at each one... sizing them up... These men weren't local. Their movements lacked the clumsy amateur feel that Zade was used to seeing aorund Montfort. These were Chain's men. Professional killers. Soldiers. Mercenaries.

"Get Them!" shouted Drinder.

"I have no time for underlings," said December. "Handle them while I deal with their employer."

"Save a piece of Chain for me!"

Zade entered the room fighting. She had her favorite battle-axe in hand, and swung it as soon as she cleared the door.


The ax met the blade of a sword as it arced toward her head. She followed with a side kick. The heel of her boot thudded against the man's leather chestplate and drove him back. Immediately, Zade threw a front-snap kick directed at the second man's chin. He jumped backward, and Zade's foot zoomed past his face. He lunged at her with his longsword, and this time it was Zade's turn to dodge. She sidestepped the blade and swung her axe at his face. He moved back just in time. Zade reached for her belt. She spun away from another swordstrike, and when she came around she launched two daggers at two approaching men. One jumped aside, and Zade's dagger missed his right ear by a hair's width. The other deflected the dagger with his bracer... a very difficult maneuver, but expertly performed nonetheless.

The mercenaries quickly surrounded Zade and began circling like vultures. She counted them... they were all there. None had followed December, who had already disappeard into the theater's main chamber. He was gone, and she was stuck here alone with four highly skilled killers.

No problem.




December burst through the main door and stepped out into the theater. He looked up at the stage.

Chain was there waiting for him.

"We finally meet." said Chain. He walked to the edge of the stage and smiled. December made his way through the rows of delapidated chairs towards him.

"Where is the woman?!" he bellowed.

"Close," replied Chain. "But not so close that you can get her without going through me."

"If that is what you wish," said December. His eyes began to glow bright blue. "I shall tear this place apart one piece at a time... and I shall begin with you."

"Oh come now, December... is that all you've got? Glowing eyes and a half-hearted threat? Tell me there's more... tell me you brought that famous December intellect with you. What have you got planned, eh? What weapons did you bring to slay the man that bested you?"

"No games, Chain." said December. "No tricks. You and I."


December approached the stage like a silent wraith, hungry for Chain's blood.

"No? Well perhaps THIS will change your mind!"

A length of chain shot out from Chain's waist. The links of metal swept through the empty chairs in the audience like a scythe, upsetting the furnishings and sending them crashing towards December in a wave of rotting wood.



"One at a time or all at once," said Zade. "Either way's fine with me."

"You fight pretty good," said one of the mercenaries, a large man with more filthy, matted hair than most bears "for a woman."

"So do you... for a woman."

"Heh... stand back men. This one belongs to me." Crossik waved the tip of his sword in little circles as he pointed it at Zade's chest... "Gonna slice some of that armor off of ya and see what ya got under there..."

"New things must fascinate you, don't they."

"Heh..." Crossik spun and slashed at Zade's face. She didn't bother blocking the obvious feint, she just stepped back, came around and swung her ax at his neck. Crossik bent at the knees, allowing the axe to go over his head, then he twisted at the waist and tried to run his sword up through Zade's abdomen. Zade deflected the strike with her bracer and danced backwards as Crossik slashed at her again.

He charged. Zade dropped down and swept her leg across his feet in an attempt to trip him, but Crossik jumped over her boot and slashed downward with his blade. Zade was already rolling out of the way. She came to her feet, spun, and sent two shiruken in Crossik's direction.


The first blade sank into the far wall, and the second bounced off of Crossick's sword. Crossik smiled at her with a set of yellow and black teeth. Zade realized her mistake... choosing a predictable target. She had been aiming at his throat, and all the soldier had to do to block it was hold his sword in front of his neck. These men were professionals after all...

But then, so was she.

This time Zade charged. Crossik ran towards her. Metal met metal with a loud


as they passed one another. Zade stopped quickly and spun...


The toe of her boot rang out across the back of Crossik's skull like a sledge hammer on an anvil. Zade recovered from the roundhouse kick and followed with a back-kick at the man's spine, but Crossik thwarted her by turning and slashed at Zade's leg.

Zade hissed as the the blade tore a shallow gash across her calf. Thinking Zade was distracted by the pain, Crossik tried to take her head off.



Zade blocked with her ax and kicked him in the side, just below the armpit. Zade knew that the man's arm was going numb, but he refused to drop his sword. He switched hands and glared at Zade. He swung twice... three times.... four... The strikes were clumsy but powerful, and they were driving Zade back towards the wall. She sidestepped and tried to come around to one side, but he had the advantage... the blade gave him a longer reach than her axe. He was trying to corner her. Zade waited until the sword went up on a backswing, and then threw herself at Crossik. Though he easily outweighted her by twenty pounds, the sheer force of her leap threw them both off balance. They fell. When they hit the ground, Zade rolled to the side, and immediatly spun and slashed.


Crossik blocked with his own blade, but Zade's kick still found his left temple.



Crossik fell to one side, but still rolled to his feet before Zade could sink her dagger into his chest. As he got to his feet-


A second kick broke his nose and sent him staggering back. Zade immeditatly spun and


blocked a strike from the backstabbing bastard who had run up behind her.

"Awwww... poor babies," spat Zade. "Can't handle me one-on-one, eh?"

"Enough games!" said Grims. "GET HER!"

Zade backflipped away from the man, and resisted the urge to plant both her boots in his mouth as her feet zoomed past his face. That would be too predictable. She had one leg injury already and wasn't in the mood for another. She flipped back toward the door, then stopped suddenly, ducked and swung her axe at one pair of legs that was running towards her.


She didn't know who she hurt, and at this time it didn't matter. She rolled to one side and was on her feet in the blink of an eye. Crossik was coming coming her way. She reached for her belt, and Crossik was already moving his sword to block...



Unfortunately he blocked the wrong spot this time. The shuriken disappeaed into the meat of his crotch, neatly severing whatever it encountered along the way. The mercenary sank to his knees and clamped both hands to his private parts, which were leaking blood like a fountain.


The second shuriken sank into his forehead. Crossik was down, but there were three left. Two were approaching from the sides, and one from the front. Zade knew better than to think she could take them all. She turned for the door, but instantly had to duck...


as a sword passed over her head. They had cut her off. The other two swung in unison. Zade ducked and blocked, all the while looking frantically for an opening. She blocked again, but there were too many swords!

Zade felt the pain in her side as the tip of one blade sliced across her ribs. She had no choice but to take that hit... the alternative was loosing half of her skull to another swordsman.

Another sword came at her. Zade blocked... the man parried, but Zade was so busy dodging another strike that the the sword parry sent her battle-axe tumbling from her fingers.

Before axe had even hit the floor someone else lunged. She jumped to one side... and right into the path of a downward slash...



"What's going ON down there?" mumbled Bradley. It sounded like all hell was breaking loose on the first floor. Drinder had told him to stay put, but the archer couldn't resist creeping over to the stairwell and listening...

"Sure glad I'm not down there..."



December moved backward quickly, just in time to keep from being buried. Chain gathered the new debris and piled it up with the rest... When the dust cleared, the small mountatin of rubbish separating the audience and the stage was twice its original size... and leaning dangerously close to collapse.

The living chain was once again in its place, and its master stood in the center of the stage with his powerful arms folded across his broad chest. He looked down at Decemer and nodded... Chain's fake smile was now gone; he watched December like a hawk following its prey.

December was unimpressed by the show of force. After a pause, he started towards the stage again, moving around the pile of broken chairs and approaching the stairway leading up to Chain.

"The woman," he said. "Give her to me now or-"

"Or WHAT? You won't KILL me? HA! I'll die of BOREDOM in a battle with you."

"We shall see."

"See? See THIS!"

Chain moved over to the curtain and snatched it back, revealing Theesa. She was helpless... gagged and tied to a chair behind the stage. Her eyes widened when they saw December. Was that hope... or fear?

"THERE is your precious plaything! Come and GET her if you can!"

December paused. He raised an eyebrow and looked from Chain to Theesa.

"Come!" taunted Chain. "Show me how you intend to beat me!"


December smiled. The air around him shimmered... and the image of December vanished. In the blink of an eye, 'December' was gone. In his place stood Lovvorn. The mage supported himself with a thick oak staff held tightly in one hand. He waved at Chain...

"Thanks for showing me where the girl was... I'll be around to fetch her in a moment!"

"A TRICK!" howled Chain. The chain around his waist responed instantly...

"Bye now!" There was a faint 'pop,' and Lovvon was gone. An instant later, two chains whizzed harmlessly through the air where the mage had been standing.

"BELLADROX! Get your ass down here NOW and FIND THAT MAGE!!!"



The mercenary's sword sliced downward, striaight for her forehead...


A falchion appeard from nowhere and blocked the blade. The sword was attached to a large, muscular arm, and the arm to an even larger shoulder. Just above and to the left of the shoulder was a rough face framed by a flowing red beared. The face wasn't smiling.

"Care ta even the odds a little bit, then?" said Hars.

"You're late," said Zade. She spun out of the way and Hars drew his other blade. The twin falchions moved like steel blurs throught the air as Hars covered her. Then, side by side, Hars and Zade faced the mercenaries.

"These lads fancy themselves fighters, eh?"

"That's what I hear. You up to this?"

"Wouldn't be here if I wasn't. Well then... let's see what they're about!"

Hars charged two of the men, and immediately the air rang out with the sounds of their weapons. The remaining mercenary, Cale, focused his attention on Zade. Zade turned as if she were running away, but she continued her spin knowing that the soldier would be moving towards her. Zade's left arm shot out and a single dagger left her fingertips. It shot past Cale, giving him reason to pause and rethink his charge. He hesitated... but Zade did not...


The whip left a thin red line from running from his upper lip all the way up to his forehead, just missing his eye by a hair's width.

Cale hissed and grimmaced as the pain hit him. Zade launched another dagger... one of her last... straight for his head. Anticipating the move, Cale threw himself to the side. The dagger sailed past his left ear and shattered the oil lamp on the wall behind him.

Flamable oil splashed in all directions, but fortunatly the wick failed to ignite it. However, the destruction of the lamp cut the amount of light in the room by a third. Zade's eyes adjusted quickly. She saw Cale cautiously circling towards her...


Cale dodged the whip and charged, which was exactly what Zade was expecting. One tip sent the tip of her foot arcing towrards his temple. Cale blocked with left hand, then spun and slashed at her with his sword.


Zade jumped back. The tip of Cale's sword came within an inch of her abdomen. Zade faked a kick to his crotch, and when Cale twisted to avoid it, she kicked at his knee instead.

Cale snatched his leg out of the way just in time. Undaunted, Zade spun and struck at his neck with the ridge of her hand. He blocked and followed with a punch... strong but slow. Zade grabbed his arm and rammed her hand into the back of his elbow. It hit like a hammer.


She felt the bone break... but she immagined that it felt much worse to Cale. His sword hit the ground, but she saw his other hand shoot towards her stomach. He was holding a knife. Zade released him and danced backwards.

Cale and Zade circled each other warilly. Cale's right arm was hanging limp at his side.

He slashed at Zade with his left. She resisted the urge to try and kick the weapon out of his hand, and instead avoided him by circling around. She wasn't going to let her eagerness to get to Chain make her do something stupid. She had to take this guy down, but if she waited long enough he'd give her the perfect opportunity to do just that.

After all... he was only a man.

"Come on! FIGHT me!" spat Cale. "I can STILL beat you with one arm!"

"Only if I was blind and deaf... and already dead."

Cale slashed at her again. This time it was a feint... Zade pretended to reach out for Cale's arm, but he quickly reversed the blade and tried to slice her hand. Zade was expecting it. She shifted her weight and brought the heel of her hand right into Cale's eye socket.


Fluid from the ruptured eyeball poured down Cale's face. He slashed wildly as he backed away. Zade followed, then had to back away herself as he suddenly charged. Zade mistook it for another feint and hesitated a second too long. Cale's knife sliced through the leather covering her kidneys, but Zade was well away before it could do any further harm. He turned to slash again...

His mistake.

Zade had already positioned herself on his blind side. A quick roundhouse kick neatly fractured his jaw. A second later, a front snap kick sent Cale staggering backward. Zade helped him along with a spinning back kick that propelled him across the room. He slammed into the wall, shattering yet another lamp. This time the wick ignited the oil, which had spilt all over Cale.


Zade reached for her axe, which was still on the floor where she had dropped it. She stood... the axe went back...


"Oh, SHUT UP!!"


The battle axe cleaved Cale's throat right down the centerline... severing both his collarbone and his windpipe. Zade couldn't tell if it was the fire or the axe that killed him, but either way, Chain was short one more mercenary.



The two mercenaries attacked, swinging their swords in unison. Hars blocked each, his swords moving as if each was being wielded by a different man. He stepped back, blocked another slice and then lay into the men with a series of whirling slashes, feints and lunges. His opponents blocked his strike swith equal ease. Hars broke off his attack, danced backwards, and went on the defensive as he tested the men's skill. Their attacks were strong and accurate, much like Hars's own. It was apparent that Har's two opponents were men of skill and experience... which made the battle just about equal.

"HA!" blurted Hars as he slashed at one man's neck and swivelled away from an identical strike by the man's partner. "I was wonderin' when Montfort would get some REAL fighters!"

Hars hopped over a low strike at his left calf.

"We're only here long enough to take YOU down, thief!"

"Well then, I hope you've found better accomodations than this theater... because you'll be staying a LONG while!"


After a block, Hars spun and rained swordstrikes on the men. One blocked and gave ground before the burly thief, but the other circled around to attack from the rear. Just as Hars was expecting. Hars sliced at the second man's midsection as he passed. The mercenary blocked that attack, but didn't even see Hars' foot as it left the floor.


The kick sent the man stumbling backwards. Hars redoubled his strikes on the first mercenary for a few seconds, then turned to slash again at the second as he charged.


Metal met metal; the men spun apart.


Hars reversed his spin to avoid a strike by the first mercenary. He responded with both swords...


Both strikes were blocked....


Hars ducked, then swung his swords out to each side. The mercenaries backed away, and just as they prepared to charge again, Hars threw himself at one man.


He drove the man back. The other mercenary ran up from behind


... but barely managed to avoid loosing his intenstines to Hars's blade. The theif continued to fight both men to a standstill. Hars's blades never touched the mercenaries, but then Hars flesh remaned free of new wounds as well. They were too evenly matched.

Now it was a matter of who would tire first.


Suddenly Zade's whip wrapped around the leg of one the men.


The man looked down. Hars struck. The mercenary tried to parry, but his distraction cost him his weapon as Hars's boot dislodged it.



Zade yanked on her whip, hoping to pull the man off balance. But the mercenary simply turned and charged her instead. Zade stepped to the side and tried to catch him with a backfist. He blocked with his forearm and followed with a ridge hand strike at her neck. Zade twisted away, but Grim's other fist caught her in the gut


Stupid, Zade... Stupid! Stupid!

Zade moved away from Grims, narrowly avoiding his fist. She saw that he had already untangled his foot from her whip and was now dropping into a fighting stance.

A fighter... good.

Zade snapped her whip...


As soon as her hand moved, Grims charged. He and Zade kicked at the same time, and ended up kicking each other in the leg. Zade droped her whip and tried to catch him with a spinning back kick, but Grims had already stepped back. Zade ducked, and his foot sailed over her head. A movement across the room caught Zade's attention... someone else coming in the door?

Zade ignored it and concentrated on the task at hand. She and Grims stepped in close and began trading punches and blocks. Zade was faster and stronger, and she knew her bracers were murder on his forearms when he blocked... but Grims was an accomplished fighter. He threw attacks at her that she never anticipated... only her keen hand-eye coordination kept her from being beaten down like a training dummy.

Time to change tactics...

Zade leapt back, then forward again... then she launched into a spinning backfist. Grims blocked...

Their forearms met, which was Zade's plan all along...

Grims winced as Zade's incredibly powerful strike nearly snapped his arm. Zade threw a front snap kick that sailed right past his head. She spun, intending to throw a roundhouse, but as she came around Grims' fist caught her in the face.


Zade backed away, suffering more from surprise than any real damage. Grims pressed her, trying to drive her further back with a series of kicks. Zade stood her ground, taking a few hits but managing to block or dodge most of them. The kicks she took never fazed her...

Either this guy kicks like a little girl or this suit of armor works better than I remembered

Zade saw Grims reach for his belt. She reached for hers as well and waded into his attacks as if she never felt them. Grims sliced at her midsection. Zade grabbed at his arm, but he turned away and followed with a spinning hook kick. Zade blocked with both hands... her blade sank into the flesh of his calf. Grims kicked again, this time a front snap kick. Zade spun and slashed at his throat. Grims caught her arm, but Zade yanked it out of his grasp despite his powerful grip. Then she gave it right back in the form of a simple punch. Grims dodged, and moved right onto the path of her other fist...


She felt his nose break beneath her fist. She caught him with a spinning backfist before the pain from the broken nose even registered.

Grims stumbled and tried to recover his balance. Zade didn't let him. This time it was Zade that drove HIM back. Her kicks, most of them aimed at his head, penetrated his blocks with ease. Zade spun him completely around with a roundhouse, and sent him twirling back the other way with another punch. Grims tried to open up her side with his blade, but Zade jumped back. She kicked his hand, but Grims refused to relinquish the blade. He moved towards her... more of a stagger than a charge. Zade grabbed his already bruised right arm, leaned her left and kicked him several time in the head. Then she stepped back, spun and hit him with a spinning hook kick that sent him flying backwards.

Grims collided with one of the interiour doors, which flew open from the impact and dumped him into one of the dark dressing rooms.

That's funny... wan't that door open before?

"Finish up out here, Hars... I'm going after Chain!"

Zade recovered her whip and ran towards the stage.



With only one opponent left, Hars concentrated his efforts on rendering the mercenary into as many pieces as possible. The mercenary apparently had the same idea.

The two fighters traded slashes and blocks with at an ever-increasing speed. The mercenary was good... clearly the better of the two Hars had fought earlier.


Drinder blocked one of Hars's swords and jumped deftly backwards away from the other. He wasted no time in counterattacking. He used his heavier longsword to try to bash through Hars' falchions, but the thief was much to quick to let that happen. Hars avoided Drinders's stronger blows, and blocked the weaker ones with such regularity that the thief appeared clairvoyant.

The men separated for a moment, and then charged.


They spun away, then turned back. Their blades met loudly....


...before they separated once more. Drinder launched the next offensive, ducking under one of Hars' blades and slashing at the thief's midsection.

Hars didn't block, instead he jumped back and struck with his other blade


The mercenary was good. Very good.

"Were ya holdin' back on me earlier, lad?" taunted Hars. "Or is it just desparation?"

"Why would I be desparate? You're just a thief!"

Drinder attacked again. Hars parried and tried slice at the man's hand, but Drinder easily avoided the attack.

"Thief I may be...


"...but I'll be sendin' you to hell in more pieces than you can count!"


Drinder slashed and danced away.

Hars was about to launch another offensive when he saw something by the door. With the light so dim he couldn't tell if someone were entering or leaving... or if they were friend or foe...

Drinder slashed again. Distracted, Hars made a clumsy block with one sword while counterattacking with the other.


Drinder knocked the blocking sword out of Hars grasp, but picked up a deep gouge across his forehead in the process.

"Down to one sword, eh thief!"

"I don't even NEED a sword to best you... I'll tear ya apart with my BARE hands!"

Hars felt naked with only one sword, and it took him a second to adjust. Drinder used that second to attack again. Hars yielded ground... intentionally backing towards the stairs that led up to the second level.

"Got you on the run now, bandit!"


Hars slashed at Drinder's neck. Drinder tried to block, but Hars diverted his swing and cut a short, diagonal groove across the lower part of his chest.


Drinder moved back, but Hars circled around and attacked with a vengeance... forcing Drinder up the stairs.


The swords rang out as they exchanged attacks. First Hars... then Drinder went on the offensive, each trying to drive the other back. Hars succeeded in forcing Drinder up onto the second level, but Drinder immediatly tried to fight his way back down. Hars stood his ground...


And then pressed Drinder back along the balconey. Drinder halted and managed a surprise slice at Hars' leg. Hars jumped back and prepared another assault.

"You fight like a soldier," said Drinder.

"That's because I AM!"


"Harrison Blackshear, of Bahn-Mohr..."


"... on Her Magesty's Royal Guard!"


"We ate micreants like YOU for breakast!"


"And I'm feelin' a wee bit HUNGRY!"

Hars leapt back, then charged. He blasted through Drinder's attempt to block and rammed his falchion up through Drinder's abdomen and out through the mercenary's back.


Har's momentum carried them both back towards the huge circular window at the end of the balcony. Hars stopped just short just as Drinder crashed through. But the mercenary grabbed Hars' arm at the last second and they both went tumbling out...



"DAMN HIM!" Chain swore as he stepped behind the curtain. "December wants to play games? Fine... then he forfeits the prize!"

Chain pulled a knife from his belt.

"MMMMM!" Theesa strained against her bonds as Chain approached.


"AAAA!" a steel dagger impaled Chain's hand through the center of his palm. Chain's knife fell to the ground. He turned...



Zade's kick caught him on the side of his face and came close to snapping his neck like a twig. He blocked the following punch and backed rapidly away, pulling Zade's knife from flesh as he went...

"Come back here, you BASTARD!"


The end of the whip snapped just an inch away from Chain's left eye. Chain dove through the curtain and emerged out on the stage. He rolled to his feet and pulled his remaining knife.


Zade followed her prey though the curtain and blocked Chain's knife when it slashed towards her throat. Chain's feet shot between hers and swept to one side, knocking Zade off balance. She threw herself into a backfward cartwheel, narrowly avoiding Chain's blade as it slashed at her again. Whe she stopped, two shuriken raced toward Chain.



They both bounced noisily off of Chain's expensive-looking bracers.

"Where is December!" demanded Chain. "Is he here? Tell me NOW!"

Zade felt the rage building inside her. Here he was, standing less than three yards away from her. Chain. The man that had violated her. And now, after what he did, he was standing here asking about DECEMBER?!?

"You BASTARD!" Zade growled. "How COULD you!"

"What the hell are you talking about, woman? Oh, forget it... I have no time for this!"

"No TIME!"

Zade charged him like a rampaging bull. Chain flinched almost imperceptibly, and a length of chain unfurled from his waist like a long, metal serpant. Moving under its own power, the end of the chain shot towards Zade like an arrow.



Grims didn't know how long he'd been out. When he woke up, he was laying flat on his back in one of the dressing rooms. It was dark, but he could see the door was wide open. It looked like everyone else was dead. It took him several seconds to remember what happened. The theater... the mission. That damned woman had gotten the better of him.

"We'll just have to see about that," he tried to say, but the only thing that passed his bruised, swollen jaw was a series of mumbled curses. His back hurt. His head hurt. His BONES hurt...

"That woman kicks like a mule..." he mumbled. Grims decided he'd be better off finding his way to a healer rather than seeking a re-match.

Grims rolled to his feet and paused just long enough for the room to stop spinning. He turned towards the door... was there someone there?

"Who's that?"

Just a shadow.

He took one step, and someone grabbed him from behind. Grims tried to break free, but when the razor-sharp dagger sank into his neck, all the fight drained out of him. The blade sliced open his throat, creating a jagged, bloody smile that ran from one ear all the way around to the other. Grims went limp and fell backwards... into someone's waiting arms.

Grims coughed and fell back... the last thing he heard was a soft, calm voice whispering in his ear...

"Payback's a bitch, isn't it?"



The ground was rapidly rushing up to meet him.

"aaaAAAAAAAAAAA- huh?"

A sudden jolt knocked the rest of the scream out of his lungs, and Hars found himself suspended in mid air. He looked down at Drinder's broken body on the ground below.

"I was just passing through and thought you could use a lift," said Lovvorn. The mage was floating about a yard below the edge of the roof, holding a large staff in one hand. The slight breezed played amid the folds of his purple and green mages robe... but it did nothing to dislodge the smell of freshly consumed ale hung that about him like a fog. Lovvorn was keeping himself and Hars alof with a simple levitation spell.

"Shhh..." Lovvorn put a finger to his lips and then pointed up to the roof. "There's an archer up there."

"Aye... I don't care WHAT the others say about ya... you're okay."

"And exactly what DO the others say about me?" said Lovvorn with a smile. "Oh never mind... we're missing all the excitement. Care to step inside?"

Lovvorn levitated them both back through the window. He sat Hars down gently on the balcony, but Lovvorn continued to float. His feet hovered a half-foot above the floor.

"Why is it so dark in here?" said Lovvorn.

"Cause Zade knocked out half the bloomin' lights."

Hars marched down to the second level and retrieved his falchion. Lovvorn floated behind him.

"The boss's lady-friend is backstage," said Lovvorn "being guarded... and very poorly I might add... by Chain." Lovvorn pointed to the door that lead backstage. Let's go fetch her while Zade is distracting him, shall we?"

"THERE YOU ARE!" Belladrox stepped out of the stairway leading to the front balconey. He pointed his crossbow at Hars and his hand at Lovvorn. Crackling green sparks arced between his outstretched fingers. "Don't Move!"

"Ahhh... I THOUGHT I smelled a sewer nearby," said Lovvorn. He floated lower, to within two inches of the floor. "And here I was thinking the wind had shifted the wrong way off of the town dump."

"Talk all ya want," said Belladrox. "But Chain want's ya dead and I'm more than happy to oblige. Don't try to teleportin' away neither... I've got ya blocked."

"Teleport away? Now why would I do that?" Lovvorn's jovial smile melted and warped into a very uncharacteristic sneer. Anger moved across his face like a dark shadow. "Oh, no... You're just the man I wanted to see."



Zade threw herself to one side and the flying chain missed her by inches.


The chain went straight through the stage's wooden floor.

What the hell is THAT!!

Zade got to her feet just as the chain reversed direction... pulling out of the floor and zig-zagging towards her once again. Zade dodged and ran, but the living chain changed directions in mid air and moved to intercept. She reached for her axe... but it was still outside, buried in Cale's throat. She ducked again and rolled *under* the chain, but the thing doubled back on itself and arced downwards...


It pierced the floor once again, much closer this time. Zade ran for the edge of the stage. The thing was right behind her, and she knew she couldn't out run it. Zade tried to change direction, but the chain wrapped around her left forearm and yanked her to a sudden stop, nearly tearing her arm off at the shoulder.

The chain looped around her forearm five or six times and drew tight. Zade's bracer warped under the pressure pressing painfully on her flesh. She felt her bones straining against the impossibly tight grip.

"Now, Zade," said Chain. "Tell me where December is and I'll kill you quickly, instead of pulling each of your limbs off one at a time. And you know I'll do it."


Zade grabbed the chain with her other hand. It was warm to the touch... almost alive.


She pulled on it and tried to disentangle her arm, but it wouldn't budge. The grip tightened. Pain exploded into Zade's mind. Zade reached for her belt. There were no knives left, but her fingers found her few thowing stars. She grabbed one. It had a strange design on it... it meant something, but Zade didn't stop to remember what it was. She thew it at Chain's neck.


Chain deflected it with his bracer, but instead of falling to the floor or flying off randomly, the razor-sharp star shot up at an angle as straight and true as if it had been thrown that way. It severed one of the ropes running from the far wall up to a dark area of the ceiling. As soon as the rope came free, the high-pitched squeal of a old, rusty mechanism filled the theater.

Chain looked up and saw the huge sandbag falling straight towards him. His chain released Zade and he jumped out of the way just before...


The entire stage shook violently. A huge cloud of dust and sand exploded up an out from the point of impact, enveloping everything for several yards.

Now what were the odds of THAT happening!?

Zade heard Chain coughing somewhere deep within the cloud. He was vulnerable. But then so would SHE be if she went in after him. She hesitated... should she try to find him or should she run while she had the chance?

Zade's hesitation cost her both opportunities.

Another sound filled the air... the clink of metal links rattling against one another. Chain emerged from the cloud... not stumbling out onto the clear area of the stage, but shooting straight UP out of the dust. Two chains ran from his waist down to the floor, and they held him aloft like a second pair of legs.

"You've got to be kidding..."

Chain hung in mid-air for an instant, and then he fell forward. The chains slowed his descent and deposited him gently on the floor at the edge of the dust cloud.

Zade ran for the stage entrance.

"Not so fast, Zade.... I'm not through with you!"



One chain caught her around her midsection and yanked her backwards. Zade felt the sand and dust stinging her face as she flew through the air. The interior of the theater was a blur... the stage... the chairs... the curtain... stage... chairs..curtain.stagechairscurtainstage.... around and around she went. Dizzines and nausea washed over her in ever-increasing waves

Then the chain released her, and Zade went flying through the air...



Zade collided with the pile of broken chairs and debris that has been piled up in front of the stage. Thick dust and fragments of rotting wood enveloped her as she vanished inside the heap.


"That ought to keep her out for a while."

Chain turned back to the curtain concealing the hostage.

Chain pulled the tattered curtain back and ripped off a piece wrap around his bleeding hand. Zade had caught him unaware... and so did that ridiculous mage Lovvorn. There had been entirely too many surprises on this job. This trap was supposed to be for December, but more and more, Chain felt that HE was the one being set up.

Chain looked down at the woman. She began screaming into her gag.

"You certainly are a screamer, aren't you? That might come in handy. Plus, as long as I have you, I know December will not be far."

Chain heard something behind him. He spun and instinctively blocked...



Zade tried to break a chair over Chain's face, but Chain was too fast. He blocked it with his forearm and reached out for her throat. Zade stepped back...


Her kick connected with his chin, sending him stumbling backwards. He fell, but rolled away just as Zade's foot came down.


Zade was looking quite lively for someone who was supposed to be unconcious. Chain rolled to a crouching position and immediately had to throw himself backwards to keep another kick from connecting. He rolled to his feet and blocked an incredibly powerful kick-punch combination.

"Where is December!" he yelled.

Zade appeared to be beyond hearing him. There was nothing but rage in her eyes. She literally threw herself at him, screaming as she charged. Chain stepped to one side, but Zade surprised him by revolving into a spinning hook-kick that came with a hair's width of caving in the back of his skull.


Her kick missed, and Chain countered with a quick jab. It connected, but Zade was so filled with anger that she may as well have been hit with a pound of wet feathers.

"You call that a punch!"

Zade attacked. The first two punches were fakes to draw Chain's guard, but the third...


"Now THAT'S a punch! Here, wanna see it again..."



Chain spun out of control and nearly fell of of the stage. He crouched down as Zade leapt for him, then jumped up and brought his knee up into her midsection.

Knowing he hadn't done any damage, he followed it with a spinning hook kick that rotated Zade completely around and sent her staggering away. Chain drew his hunting knife and waited. Zade came at him again. He slashed. She blocked, kicked, and missed. Chain didn't... his knife slashed her leg as it sped past his face.


Zade hissed and struck out with a front-snap kick. She missed. Chain stepped back and the two fighters circled each other before rushing in at the same time.

They attacked each other with a series of kicks, blocks and punches that lasted for over a minute. Zade's attacks got stronger as her anger rose... just the sight of Chain's face made her muscles tighten and her jaw clench. She wanted to rip that face off of his skull and crush it to a bloody pulp under her boot.

"DIE!" she yelled.

She threw a roundhouse kick. Chain ducked under it and lunged in with a stab at her midsection. Zade blocked, but Chain's other hand went for her throat. Zade grabbed Chain's arm. The knife circled around and slashed at her midsection once more. Zade jerked backwards, but the move threw her off balance. Chain pushed her away. She staggered. Chain made his move... his spining back kick sent Zade tumbling through the curtains...


Zade hit the wall and then the ground.

"We played this game once before, Zade!" shouted Chain. "But you left before the final move! Here... let me show you what you missed!"

Zade heard the chains clinking as they unfurled on the other side of the curtain. She reached out for something... anything...

ssshhhh.. clink-clink-CLINK!

A chain wrapped around her ankles, squeezing them together painfully... She slid across the stage floor and then into the air as the chains lifted her up by her feet. When they stopped, Zade was hanging upside down, suspended near the ceiling by the living chain.

"Tell me where December is!" said Chain.


"He's HERE, isn't he! Somewhere close by... watching everything... DECEMBER! I have BOTH your women, now! Come and FACE me, you FROZEN FREAK!"


The sound was coming from the west wall of the theater... a small section of it was turning white. The old wood screamed in protest as its moisture froze and expanded... forcing the brittle wood fibers apart...



The frozen section collapsed with a single blow from his fist. When the dust cleared, December stood amid the rubble, eyes glowing like blue flames in the night.

There....there was Chain, standing on the stage with a length of animated metal emerging from his waist, waving around in the air like some kind of tentacle.

And Chain had the nerve to call HIM a freak.

And there... just behind him...


This monster had Theesa.


December's jaw clenched shut, and he felt something stir deep within him. Just as Theesa's presence had loosened emotions that he hadn't felt in long time, the sight of her tied up at Chain's hands freed something else. Something terrible. A void that was emptied long ago began to fill with hot, bitter hatred.

"Release the woman NOW!!!" December's voice echoed around the theater like an explosion.



Hars dove to the floor as the blast of green energy flew from Belladrox's fingers. Lovvorn stood - floated - his ground as the fire played harmlessly around him. The flames outlined a protective bubble that surrounded the floating mage.

Belladrox frowned, but quickly swiveled his crossbow to keep it aimed at Hars.

"I'm sorry," said Lovvorn. "Was I supposed to scream or something? You have to let me know these things..."

Belladrox cast a spell to dispell the barrier. The bubble shimmered, but remained firmly in place.

"Oh come now... you didn't expect me to fall for the same trick TWICE, do you? Even I'M not that drunk."

"You can't hold out for long... I've got all your spells and mine too. But first, let's take care of this little loose end..."

Belladrox fired the crossbow. Hars rolled out of the way, leapt to his feet and tried to charge, but he narrowly avoided a second blast of flames from Belladrox. Meanwhile, the bolt changed course... it shot towards Hars once again. Hars dodged, but the bolt sped past him... slowed... stopped... turned around... and came for him a third time.

This time, Hars squared himself swung his falchion as the bolt drew near.


A perfect hit. Hars's blade sliced the bolt cleanly in half. Continuing his swing, Hars spun around to gain momentum... and launched his falchion directly at Belladrox.

Belladrox gestured, and the flying blade rotated and shot towards Lovvorn.

"HAHAHA! I LOVE this!" Belladrox laughed.


The blade hit the mage's barrier and fell to the floor. It lay there for less than a second before Hars rolled past it, snatching it up once again. The burly thief stood and quickly stepped behind Lovvorn.

"Hope ya don't mind me leavin' this fella ta you, lad..." Hars said as he sheathed his sword.

"Oh, by all means...," said Lovvorn.

Belladrox fired another blast of magic. Under the cover of Lovvorn's force field, Hars made a leap for the backstage door. He hit the ground and rolled through the doorway just before the area was bathed in cracking sparks.

"Now then," said Lovvorn. He floated towards Belladrox, and the two mages began circling each other. "I believe you have some of my memories... I think I'll be takin' them back now."



"December what are you DOING!" Zade yelled. "You're supposed to stay OUTSIDE!"

"Ahhh.... the man himself!" said Chain. "Or is it? Let's just see, shall we?"

A second chain unfurled from Chain's waist and swept across the theater. It slammed into the pile of debris... which then toppled over.

"December, Watch OUT!" screamed Zade.


Tied to her chair, Theesa had no choice but to watch as the avalanche of junk tumbled towards December. He moved away but the very edge of the collapsing pile caught him; the heap of chairs and rotted wood poured down on him like a flood.

"MMMMM!!!!!" Theesa yelled into the gag.

A man with wide shoulders and a huge barrel of a chest literally rolled into the room. There was some kind of explosion behind him... a shower of green sparks and fire followed him in.

The man crouched beside Theesa.

"I guess you're what all the fuss is about then, eh?"


"Shhh! Name's Hars. Gimme a minute and I'll have you out of here!" The man began untying her. He was going to take her away... but what about December?



Hars untied Theesa's gag.

"December's out there!" Theesa pointed out to the stage.


December's eyes flashed and the field of sub-freezing cold expanded around him. The temperature dropped to levels unheard of even in the coldest realms of Ifreann... flash-freezing everything that fell near him. Most of the debris was so brittle by the time it reached him that it simply fell apart under its own weight.

Strengthened by his growing rage, December shoved his way through the pile of frozen wood and rubbish. Each step brought the loud snapping and crackling of ice after a winter storm.


December burst through on the other side and started up the steps to the stage

"Well," said Chain. "Perhaps I am dealing with the genuine article after all. What say you, Zade?" Chain looked up at Zade, who was struggling to free herself from her hanging prison. "Is this your employer... or just another illusion?"

"I am real enough! If you wish to destroy me, DO SO NOW!"

"You disappoint me, December. Criminal mastermind. Slayer and betrayer. Feared by all who know of you... yet it was so easy to take you down. And even now, you come here empty-handed..."

"I have all I need to rid myself of YOU!"

"Let us find out, then... But first..."

Responding to some mental command, the chain holding Zade began to undulate... it swung Zade around and threw her across the room. She landed near the rear of the theater, creating a new pile of broken chairs with her at the top.

Chain turned towards December.

"Now," said Chain. "Show me what you will."

The two men glared at each other, and then Chain made the first move. A string of links shot out from his waist. December reached out to grab it, but the chain merely wrapped around his forearm and pulled tight.

December looked at the chain and frowned. His eyes pulsed bright blue...

...and nothing happened.

"It should be obvious by now that it is enchanted," Chain smirked. "And enchanted metal does not freeze."

Growling, December focused his energy on his arm. The aura of sub-freezing temperatures intensified. It was already well below the point where metal became as brittle as dry wood... but Chain's chain held fast.

December pulled back on the chain in an attempt to throw its master off balance, but the animated weapon held him under its own power, and did not rely on Chain for an anchor. December pulled again...

Chain laughed.

"The question now becomes whether I should break your arm... or pull it off entirely. Or perhaps THIS!"

The chain tightened around his arm, and then is yanked December off of his feet. It slung him across the stage in a wide circle and sent him flying back towards the rear wall.

December's aura preceeded him... and though it had no effect on Chain's weapon, the wood of the wall was already frozen and brittle when he struck it. December crashed completely through it and hit the ground outside. Then Chain yanked him back inside.

December slid across the stage and came to rest by the other wall. His arm was still held tight by the chain... and the grip grew even tighter.

Chain was still laughing.

With his free hand, December reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue gem that was the size of his hand. Fortunately, the rough treatment hadn't shattered it. He hadn't wanted to risk using it so close to Theesa, but there seeemd to be few options left.

"Winter's reach is longer than you THINK, mercenary!" yelled December. He threw the frost gem at Chain's cackling mouth.


A second chain spooled away from Chain's waist and arced toward the airborne gem. The chain tracked it for a few feet, then circled it. The metal links were moving only a tiny fraction faster than the gem, and when the two met, the contact was as gentle as a mother's arms. The chain drew tight... gently... and supsended the gem in the air a few inches in front of Chain's face.

December watched the whole thing, and his mind was already racing.

"Is that the best you can do?" said Chain. "Here, perhaps you'd like this back..."

The chain hurled the gem back at December. The gem struck the wall behind him and shattered. The power stored with it burst forth. Howling winds and biting cold assaulted December, and would have blown him of of the stage if it weren't for the chain around his arm. The wood of the wall and the stage cracked as the moisture solidified. Thick deposits of frost began to coat everything for several yards in every direction. Even halfway across the room, Chain had to brace himself against the gale force gusts of freezing wind.

When the wind died, everything on that side of the stage was frozen and white. Brittle wood cracked under its own weight, and the entire structure was in danger of collapse. In the center of it all stood December. The sky-blue glow was gone from his eyes, and a thin layer of ice coated his pale, motionless form.



Belladrox loaded another bolt, and all the while he was probing Lovvorn's magic barrier for weaknesses. He couldn't find any... even in the places where he KNEW they should be. The little slug had changed his spell. He would have to do this the hard way.

"BRADLEY! GET DOWN HERE... AND BRING THAT CROSSBOW OF YOURS!!! You can't stay behind that thing forever."

"Oh really? Well maybe I'll just give it to YOU!"

There was a bright flash, and Lovvorn's force field appared around Belladrox.


Belladrox pounded his fist on the clear magic bubble, but it didn't even budge. He tried a few spells to get rid of it, but Lovvorn's new spell held fast.

"Heh," said Belladrox. "Very funny." Belledrox growled and tried to teleport away. His spell fizzled out around him.

"Ummm... I forgot to mention you couldn't teleport. Must have slipped my mind... probably a side effect of having my LEG SMASHED and my MEMORIES STOLEN!"

"You can't do that!"

"And why not.... Those are MY teleport spells after all, I ought to know how to counteract them. Besides, I can't have you running around using STOLEN magic, now can I."

Belladrox grabbed his spiked mace and began hammering at the barrier.


"Ooooo... I remember that." said Lovvorn. "It hurt. A lot."


"Or what? You'll come over here and smash my other leg? I don't think so. Perhaps you should try BLASTING your way out. THAT ought to work."

"You think I'm STUPID!"

"Acutally... yes."

Suddenly, the door leading to the roof swung open. Bradley looked at Belladrox, then at Lovvorn. Then he saw the dead bodies littering the theater.

"What the hell happened in HERE!"

"Shoot that bastard!" yelled Belladrox.

"Oh, shut up!" Lovvorn waved his hand, and the bubble became soundproof... and air-tight.

Belladrox screamed... rapidly using up his remaining air. He pointed frantically at Lovvorn. Bradley aimed and fired.



The speeding bolt passed right though Lovvorn and knocked a five-foot wide hole the wall behind him.

Lovvorn-image vanished, and the mage reappeared by the south wall.

"So sorry," he said. "I'm really over here!"

Bradley fired again...



...and again the bolt passed through the false image and smashed through the wall.

"Wrong again... maybe here?"



Lovvorn appeared directly in front of Belladrox, who was still frantically hammering at the barrier that confined him. He saw Bradley swing the augmented crossbow in his direction. He screamed...


But of course, Bradley couldn't hear him. The archer's finger twitched on the crossbow's metal trigger...

"You know, that bubble is such a drain on my energy... maybe I'll just get rid of it..."



Both Lovvorn and the magic barrier vanished.



The bolt carried the majority of Belladrox's chest through the wall with it as it left the theater. Belladrox, looking very much like a bloody donut with arms, swayed for a moment, then fell to the floor with a thud.

"Oh, what a shame." said Lovvorn.


This was not going well. He didn't know what happened to the others, but without Belladrox he didn't stand a chance against December's mage.

Wasn't he supposed to be DEAD!?!

"Forget this...!"

Bradley ran for the door. He'd taken only a few running steps when a shape detatched itself from the shadows and moved towards him. The shape was a man. The man had a knife. And the face belonged to someone who couldn't POSSIBLY be alive.

"Leavin' so soon?" said the man as he stepped into Bradley's path.


Bradley reversed course and ran back up the stairs to the roof.

"Now wasn't THAT a silly thing to do?" said Lovvorn.



"Nooooo!!!" screamed Theesa.

"Hush, girl!" said Hars. Chain turned towards them.

"AHA! So there are still RATS in the old theater, eh?"

The second chain shot towards Hars. Hars tried to deflect it with his falchion, but the metal links just wrapped around the blade and yanked it out of his hand. Hars drew his dagger and stepped in front of Theesa.

"How noble... but you see there is no further need for EITHER of you..."

The chain sped toward them again, rising briefly into the air and diving down towards Hars' broad chest. Hars grabbed Theesa and they both hit the ground...


A thick band of black leather tightened around Chain's neck. Sneaking back onto the stage, Zade had tied her whip into a loop and lassoed the mercenary with one toss. She pulled the whip tight, cutting off Chain's air supply.

"Gotcha, you bastard! HARS! Get her out of here!"

The chain hurtling toward Hars changed course... it doubled back on itself and now shot toward Zade. She ducked as the living metal appendage swept through the air over her head. Instead of turning around and sweeping towards her again, the chain began to twist itself around her whip.

The chain drew tight...


... and the fine leather snapped in two. Chain could breathe again. He turned to face Zade, and the chain followed his eyes. Zade dove off of the stage, but the chain caught her by the legs and yanked her back. Chain lifted Zade up into the air and slammed her back down onto the stage so hard that she crashed through the floor into the dark area below.

"No, you MONSTER!!" Theesa broke free of Hars and ran out onto the stage towards December. The chain retracted from the hole where it had deposited Zade and came straight for her. Both Hars and Theesa leapt at the same time... Theesa to escape the metal horror and Hars to tackle it. Both succeeded, but the chain moved rapidly up and down... snapping like a whip and throwing Hars completely off of the stage. He flew back towards the rear of the theater and landed with a bone-crunching thud.



Chunks of ice began falling to the floor as December burst free of the layer of ice that covered him.

"CHAAAAIN!!" he roared.



Bradley burst onto the roof, then quickly stopped to load another bolt. He turned to face the empty doorway behind him.

He was coming. He was dead... but has coming up those stairs RIGHT NOW!!!

Bradley's finger trembled on the crossbow's trigger. He almost fired several times before he realized that there was no one coming up the stairwell after him.

Or was there?

Was that a shadow? Or a man? Was it HIM!?! Bradley backed up until he was almost at the edge of the roof. He had to watch... He was coming... he was coming to get him...

What was that noise?

The stairwell... the stairwell!! Someone was coming!!!

"Excuse me..."


Bradley spun around, and Lovvorn calmly snatched the crossbow out of his hand.

"I'm a mage," said Lovvorn. "That means I can fly."


Bradley backed away from Lovvorn as he floated over onto the roof. He didn't look behind him... and as a result, backed right into Eric Hood. Bradley felt a pair of thin, but strong arms grab him. Then a knife pressed into his thoat.

"It's called a distraction," said Lovvorn. "And now that you've figured that out, the next lesson is about a thing called revenge. Mr. Hood?"

Kicking and screaming, Bradley could do nothing as he was dragged back into the shadows...




"I'm right here," said Chain. "I was wondering when you would finish playing possum. Now shall we continue our little sport?"

The chain around December's forearm tightened.


"Hurts, doesn't it," said Chain. "I could snap your bones with a thought... and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

"You leave him ALONE!" yelled Theesa.



"Too late."

The second chain caught Theesa around the waist and lifted her off of her feet.


"Or how about THIS," said Chain. "I squeeze her like a blood-filled sponge while you just stand there and watch."

December ran towards his captor, but the chain on his arm yanked him back and grew even tigher.

"Nuh-uh. No cheating. You stay over there!"

"HELP! DECEMB-" Theesa's cries were cut short as the air was squeezed out of her. Her eyes grew wide and her face turned red... and then blue as she starved for air.


December's eyes flashed once...twice... and then began to glow with a steady blue brilliance. Deep within him, the old hatred stirred. It screamed and spat... seeking release.

"Just a little tighter and she snaps like a bag of twigs. What are you gonna do, December? What CAN you do?"


December raised his arm before him, the chain still held him fast.

"Will realease her..."

December's fist tightened. Every cell of his being vibrated with anger...


Cold started pouring out of him in waves... but this time December focused the power. Ice began to form around his hand and the living chain that bound him.

"That same trick again? I told you... enchanted metal. And enchanted metal Doesn't Freeze!"

"That is where you are wrong, Chain," December hissed through clenched teeth. His eyes burned like lanterns... "EVERYTHING FREEZES!!!!!"

Power burst forth like a roaring inferno... only it was not flame... not heat, but its opposite. Cold. Unnatural and unyeilding cold radiated from his fist like energy from some dark anti-sun.

The chain around his arm tightened further still... and then...


The chain loosened and fell limp to the ground as its master screamed out in pain.

December stormed towards Chain, but the chain holding Theesa suddenly released her. It slithered towards December and tried to encircle HIS waist. December caught it in his hand and held it fast. Then he reached down and grabbed the inert chain from the floor. He held them before him and poured his power into them both.



What was this! This isn't supposed to happen! His chains... his appendages... he couldn't control them! They wouldn't retract... they wouldn't move... He couldn't feel them at all! All he could feel was the bitter cold that was stabbing into his waist like a hundred daggers of solid ICE!

He wasn't supposed to be this powerfu! What was GOING ON!?!


Chain looked into December's eyes and saw nothing but maddness. Was this even the same man he had been fighting earleir? Was THIS the secret he was looking for? Rational thought quickly vacated Chain's mind... he had to get out... had to get away...

He tried to run, but December pulled him back by his own chains. And all the while the pain spread. The chains were dying... and his insides felt like they were being ripped apart!



"NEVER!" shouted December. He let loose with his full fury... the thick, heavy air cascaded down around him like a waterfall as he poured his anger into Chain. He walked closer and closer, wrapping the limp chains around his fists as he went. As each link touched him, Chain's screams grew louder and louder.

He looked upon Chain's tortured face and saw the face of his enemy. But not just one... ALL of them... and behind them all was the first. One face... one demon laughing at him from beyond the years...

"How many times! How many faces!"

"ARRR What are you TALKING ABOUTTT!!!!

"HOW many times must I KILL YOU, KING!!!!"


"I KNOW YOUR NAMES, DEMON!!! King! Chimicus! Silarim! Vyntage! Trisk! VonSinterbourne! HOW MANY FACES WILL YOU WEAR TO HAUNT ME!!!! How many times must I DESTROY YOU!!!!"


"December, NO!" yelled Theesa. She rubbed the hideous bruises around her waist as she staggered to her feet.

"NO! Let GO of the CHAINS! You're KILLING HIM!!!"

"And I will kill him AGAIN AND AGAIN until the END OF TIME!!!"

"No! He is a HUMAN BEING and you can't DO THIS!"

"He Is LONNIK KING... the demon who MURDERED MY WIFE!!! And for that, I Shall TEAR HIM APART!!!!""

"No...that was another man! That man is dead... YOU killed him!"


"ARRRRRRGGGGGHHH!!!!" Chain dropped to his knees.

"NO!!! THIS man did not kill Jessica! He didn't kill ME! I'm right here, December... LOOK AT ME!"

December turned to look at Theesa. The fire in his eyes flickered... and for an instant, he knew her


"It's ME, December! I'm not dead!"

"You ARE Dead!"


"You ARE... Theesa?"

"December, Please STOP! Let him GO! You've WON... you've beaten him... please just let him GO!"

December looked down at Chain. The mercenary was laying on the floor, writhing in pain. Already, his skin bore the signs of severe frostbite. Even without the chains, just being within a few yards of was December killing him.

December frowned.

"No. He... will die... like ALL the others!"

December took a step closer.


Theesa stood and walked towards December.

December saw her...

"NO, THEESA! Your flesh cannot survive this cold!!!"

"Then STOP IT!" she said. Shivering, Theesa took a few more steps towards him.


"The longer you torture him... the closer I will get. Kill him... and you will kill us both. And this time it WILL be your fault."

"After what he has done-"

"December, LOOK AT HIM!"

Chain's shivering had turned to convulsions. Ice had already began to form on his body...

"He's helpless! You've BEATEN him!"

"Then I must STRIKE NOW!!"

"No you don't, December! You are NOT a monster, even if you THINK you are! Even I believed it for a time... but now I know that there's still a MAN in there somewhere. Jessica would never have married a monster... and I never would have fallen in love with one.

December just looked down at her.

"I love you, December. Maybe you don't love me... and maybe you only love me because of Jessica, but I'm willing to take that risk. I'll risk it as long as I can be with you, December, but if kill that man you'll throw all that away."


"I love you... I'm going to come over there now, and if you're still... doing whatever you're doing... then I'll be dead before I get much closer."

Theesa took a step towards him.

"Theesa, don't..."

She took another step, and began shivvering. Ice crystals formed in her hair.

"Theesa... please..."

"I love you, December."

Theesa took a deep breath and ran straight towards December.


December dropped the chains and breathed in every ounce of power he could hold. He swallowed it... held it back... he had to hold it... he had to stop the fury... the pain. It wasn't real... it was all in his mind. Chain was Chain, and Lonnik King was dead. Yes, Jessica was dead, but Theesa was safe... safe... but only as long as he could CONTROL it!

December trembled with the effort. His mind tamed the anger... the fury within him sputtered and died... He backed away from Theesa, fists clenched... still struggling with the remenants of his anger

"I knew you'd do it," said Theesa. She was standing just a few feet away now. "I wanted to leap into your arms... but I'd be pressing my luck, wouldn't I?"

December nodded. Even with his control restored, the air next to his skin was still cold enough to freeze flesh. It would take a few more mintues before he could be safely touched.

"I may be in love," said Theesa, "but I'm not stupid."


December turned to investigate the noise...


Chain's dagger sank into December's shoulder.

"AAAAA!!!" December staggered backwards, clutching the blade. He yanked it free and dropped it. Blue blood soaked his shirt. Chain's throw had been clumsly and inaccurate, but it still hurt.

"DECEMBER!" yelled Theesa.


Chain was on his feet, using the diversion to cover his stumbling rush towrds exit. His chains... now inert and lifeless... trailed noisily behind him.

"December, are you all right!"

"UNNNGH!" The noise came from Zade, who was just pulling herself out of the hole in the stage. Her armor was ripped and her hair was soaked with blood... but she looked well considering she had been thrown through a floor. "Ungh...What'd I miss?"

"Chain!" December pointed. Chain was just vanishing through the doorway leading to the other part of the theater.

"I'm... ungh!... on it!"

"No," said December. "Let him go."


Theesa picked up the dagger that Chain had thrown. It was icy cold to the touch, but the blood on it had turned from bright blue to a very normal reddish brown.

"I don't understand," she said. "He tried to kill you... as hurt as he was, he... he still tried to kill you..."

"It is the way of men like him." said December. "Men like me."

"December, I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't know... I thought you were-"

"I was... and I have you to thank for bringing me back from that madness. But behind it all... the fact remains that as long as he lives, we are in danger."

Theesa dropped the knife and looked up into December's eyes.

"Zade!" said December "There is work to be done!"

Zade ran off after Chain.

"Is she going to-"


Theesa shivvered, but it was not from the cold.

"Your shoulder... are you going to be-"

"I have survived worse."

"December... what you did when your wife died. Innocent people..."

"It is who I am."

"And you don't... you don't FEEL anything?"

"Were I still capable of caring, I would."

"You can."

"Perhaps one day. But not now. Not since that day."

"And the things that man said? Were they true? Are you... a criminal?"

"You said you no longer thought I was a monster."

"And I don't... but I have to know the truth."

December nodded.

"It is true."

"How? How, December HOW!?!"

"You saw only a part... a tiny fraction of what transpired. Much has changed since that time, Theesa. So much has changed..."

"Has it?"

"The man you saw is no more. December Chyrnomir is dead. There is only me now... December."

"Dead? No, I don't believe that. Asleep... frozen... prematurely buried... yes, that I can believe. But not dead. No... if he were dead then you wouldn't be here. You wouldn't have come for me at all."

"I hate to inturrpt the TWO of ya...! Hars yelled from the back of the theater. "But when yer finished I could use some help... I think that bastard broke my LEG!"

December sighed.

"You came for me, December. You saved me."

"So, even in this civilized era, a man still must risk his life to prove his love?"

"Was that a joke... or are you trying to tell me something?"

"Both," said December.

"You should... you should have that shoulder looked at. I can put a dressing on it... stop the bleeding."

"I am fine. No doubt Hars is more in need of your attention than I. But now there are other matters that may require my... touch."

"December, must you...?"


"December... One day you will explain. Everything."

"Everything." said December. He turned and began to walk away. "Everything."



"GET your butt back in here!"

Zade grabbed Chain by the neck and yanked him back into the theater's dimly-lit rear chamber. The place had a stench of smoke and magic that wasn't there before, but now wasn't the time to wonder about it.

Chain was a mess. His face and bald head was a mottled patchwork of frozen skin, and despite the warm night air, ice crystals still clung to his clothes. The chains hung from his waist like dead weight... no wonder he didn't get very far. Zade had found him just outside the door, trying to limp across the street.

Zade threw him to the floor and placed her boot firmly on his throat. She looked down at his face, and saw nothing but fear in his eyes. It was a look she thought she'd never see on Chain... but she liked it.

"Well, well, well... I can honestly say you didn't deserve this," said Zade. "You deserved much, much worse."

Chain coughed... it was a wet hack that told of severe internal injuries.

"So are you going to tell me what this was all about? Who sent you?"

At first, Zade thought that Chain was coughing again... but she soon realized that he was laughing. It wasn't the laugh of a man with some trick up his sleeve... it was the crazed cackle of someone who'd finally realized their inescapable fate.

Zade liked that, too.

"I asked you a question. And where'd you pick up the fancy chains? Same guy that sent you here after December?"

After getting nothing but more coughing laughter, Zade grabbed Chain and yanked him to his feet. Then she shoved him back against a wall.

"Don't think I forgot what you did to me. Tied me up. Took advantage of me. You raped me, Chain."

The laughter faded.

"I...don't know... what... you're..."

"Save it," said Zade.

A cold shadow fell over them, and Zade looked back to find December standing behind her.

"He ain't talking," said Zade. "Yet."

"Stand back, Zade."

"What?" Zade stepped back. "Why? You CAN'T be letting him go?"

"I am so very tired, Zade. I have lost much... and gained much. Whatever Chain knows cannot possibly be worth the additional effort needed to retrieve it."

"How can you say th-"

December placed his hand firmly on Chain's chest.

"Another name... another face...."

Chain drew one long, gasping breath. By the time the air reached his lungs, the organs were frozen. Chain's skin turned white... then blue. New frost formed on top of the layers not yet melted from before. Chain's face froze with his mouth still open... gasping....

December stepped away. Chain's body fell to the ground and shattered like a glass statue. His bald head rolled across the floor and came to rest by Zade's boot. Zade lifted her foot...


And crushed the gruesome mememto under her heel. She thorougly enjoyed the feel as his frozen flesh crackled.

"It's over," she said.

"It is never over," corrected December. "But for once... for this one night... we can indulge ourselves in that fantasy."

"And tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is tomorrow. I have a business to run... and a missing necromancer to locate."

"Business as usual, eh?"

"With one small addition," said December. "With one small addition..."

[To Be Continued]
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