Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror

Streets of Ice

Chapter 18: The Last Day of December Chyrnomir

The image rapidly took shape in Theesa's mind. It was the past. A man lying in a bed. Theesa. As the vision became clearer, more and more details came into focus. Sounds. Smells. Even the temperature... which was quite cold. Theesa became part of the scene... an invisible witness. Then the vision expanded even further... Theesa felt herself being drawn into the man's mind. December's mind. It was something that happened rarely, and with only the strongest impressions. But it was happening now. She felt what he felt... thought what he thought... She was him. She was December...


December opened his eyes and found himself staring up at his own ceiling. He was home... and alive. His beating at the hands...and feet... of the King brothers was a bright spot on his memory that cast painful shadows on everything that followed it. He remembered the pain. He had brief images of J'Hasp and Jessica, but the events that connected those images were just dull blurs.

December tried to feel the extent of his injuries, and immediately decided that he wouldn't be going anywhere for a while. He could breathe with no problem... but anything beyond that was unpleasant at the very least. Sharp, continuous pains in his chest and a dull ache in his abdomen spoke of cracked ribs and internal bruising. No limbs were broken... but just about every muscle in his body bore a bruise that matched the tip of Fist's boot. Jessica had done a more than fair job of bandaging him up. Probably better than what he would have gotten at any of the local healers.

December heard a noise in the room, and strained to see what it was.


December's wife was sitting in a chair against the wall, diligently patching an old quilt. He reached out for her.


"December?" Jessica dropped her work and hurried to his side. "December! Oh, thank the gods you're awake!"

She leaned down to hug her husband, which caused December no small amount of agony.


"OH! Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"You can hug me to death any time you want."

"Well, if you say so..." she reached down to hug him again.


They both laughed, but December's chuckles ended in a wince as the effort put more stress on his injuries.

"You'll be fine," said Jessica. "After a few days in bed."

"Days? I can't stay in bed that long... I've got-"

"To get some rest so you can heal. Besides, you've already been in bed for a whole day and it didn't kill you."

"A whole day?"

"Yes... it'll be dark again in a few hours."

December looked out the window and saw that the sun was low in the sky. He had indeed been asleep for nearly twenty-four hours.

"I've got to go! I've got to find another-"

"You'll be finding yourself DEAD if you don't get your rest."

December sighed. He didn't really want to get up anyway.

"December, you were hurt really bad... who did this to you?"

"King Brothers."

"The KING BROTHERS! What are you doing mixed up with the King brothers!? Did Reynaldo get you involved with them!"

"They involved themselves. For once, your brother had nothing to do with it."

"But why did they pick on YOU? You never did anything to them!"

"I was born. That's all the reason they need."

"Those Bastards! We have to tell the constable, right now!"

"They own the constable. You know that."

"Well we'll tell the constable in the NEXT town!"

"Who has no jurisdiction here. Maybe Ylthon was right... there's nothing we can do. If we start making waves then they'll just come after me again. And next time you might get hurt, too."

"But we have to do SOMETHING!"

"No we don't."

"Those thugs hurt you, December! They could have KILLED you!"

"But they didn't. All I have to do is stay away from them... stay out of their little part of the city-"

"Someone should take them and that whole section of town and just drop it into the ocean!"

"Yes, but it won't be us. Ylthon was right... "

"What does Ylthon have to do with any of this?"

"They were at the store this morning. Ylthon's been paying them off... that's why he can't make me partner. When I saw them there, I tried to stop them-"

"And they beat you?"

"No... that came later. I drove them off, but Ylthon said I shouldn't have interfered."

"What!? You saved his HIDE, that senile old BOOB!"

"Senile or not, he told me not to come back. Not until things calm down... which really means don't come back at all."

"He FIRED you!?"

December nodded.

"That's why I can't stay here in bed. We have to pay for this house... I have to go out and find another job. Maybe one of the other jewelers can afford another apprentice-"

"Nonsense! I'm going to march RIGHT down there and have a talk with that old fool!"

"No, no, Jessica... don't. Let me handle it."

"You've done enough handling... and you're in no condition to handle anything else. I'll go and talk to Ylthon this afternoon."

"No. Please... please let me do this?"

"We'll BOTH go as soon as you get better."

"Jessica what good would it do for you-"

"December, you're naïve and innocent... and I LOVE you for it. But that puts you at a distinct disadvantage when dealing with... with POOP-HEADS like Ylthon."

"I'm not as innocent as you think."

"You'd BETTER be."

Jessica winked at her husband, and he smiled. December looked up into his wife's eyes



"Are you... I mean... yesterday I found out... I mean I THINK that maybe..."

"Spit it out."

"Are you... pregnant?"

Jessica's face turned bright red and she averted her gaze. Her smile curled up in a coy smile.

"I might be," she said. "But I didn't want to tell you until I was sure."

"Oh, Jessica... we're going to be parents!"

"If it's a girl, I want to name her-"

"Katherine," said December. "Her name will be Katherine."

Jessica's smile widened, and then faded slightly.

"December, how did you know I was pregnant?"

"Huh? How? I, uhhh..."

"December Alexius Chyrnomir... what aren't you telling me? What else happened yesterday?"

"Uhhh... well..."

"Does this have anything to do with the King brothers?"

"No! Not exactly... I mean... I was on my way back when-"

"Back from where?"

"Back from... It's a secret."

"Okay. Fine. You don't have to tell me where you were or how you found out... but then if I decide I want to take a nice, leisurely stroll over to Ylthon's shop this afternoon, I don't have to tell YOU."

"But that-"

"Fair's fair..."

"I'll tell you later. When I'm better. Okay? How's that?"

"Why? There's nothing wrong with your mouth."

"Uh-oh... Ohhh, I think my lips are swelling... Must be a delayed reaction... I can't feel my tongue... mmmMMMMPHFF!!"

Jessica burst out laughing

"Are you hungry?"

"Let me see... do I have any teeth left?"

"They're all there. I checked."

"Did you, now?"

"Well I can't have a husband with no teeth, can I?"


"I'll go see what I can find in the kitchen," Jessica kissed December on the forehead and went downstairs, leaving December alone in the bedroom. As soon as she was gone, December threw back the covers on the bed.

"Don't you GET out of that bed!" Jessica yelled from downstairs.

December paused, then threw his legs over the edge of the bed and tried to stand.


"Okay!" He lay back down and pulled the covers back over him. He listened to Jessica rummaging around in the kitchen. She seemed to be looking for something.



The noise came from the window, which was tightly closed with the curtains drawn. December couldn't see out... which meant that no one should have been able to see in.




There was an eerie silence, and then a *creak* as the latch on the window slid open. The latch was on the inside...

"What the...?" December.

Suddenly the window burst open and a dark shape flew into the room. It was a bird... huge and dark, like a hawk made of shadows. The black bird was unnaturally silent as it fluttered around the room, swooping and diving at nothing.

December's first instinct was to cry out... but that would bring Jessica rushing up the stairs. What if the bird was dangerous? She could get hurt.

"Go away!" December whispered... as if the bird could understand... or even care about... his wishes. "Shoo.... go away! Shoo!"

The bird swooped down low, shooting right across December's bed. December felt something hit the covers, and an instant later the bird flew back out of the window. The window swung shut and the latch secured itself with a *click.*

"Now THAT certainly doesn't happen every day. I hope."

December looked down at the bed and saw what the bird had dropped. It was a folded piece of paper... and it looked very familiar.

"The map... N'Doki!"

December quickly unfolded the map. The crude drawing was exactly as he remembered it, with one small addition. In the lower right corner was a simple message, written in a reddish-brown 'ink.' It was just four words, but they hit December like a hammer.

"The Map Is True"

"...gods... This map is Real! Diamonds!"

Suddenly, December remembered his arrangement with Reynaldo. They were going to find the map's owner and return it...hopefully in exchange for a reward. But that was when December thought the map was a scam. And before he knew that Jessica was pregnant with his child.

What if there was no reward? Could he afford to pass up this opportunity? But on the other hand... could he afford to take advantage of it?


December crumpled the map and stuffed it under his pillow.

"Huh? What?"

"What was that noise up here?"

"There was...uhh... a bird." He pointed to the window. "I was trying to make it go away."

"Awwww..." said Jessica. "Was the widdle birdy botherwing yooouuu.... awwww..."

"No... there was a really a bird out there.. Honest!"

"Well... I have no flour. I'm going to go to the market while it's still open."

"No, that's okay... I'm not hungry."

"Nooo... but I am. I'll be back before dark."

Jessica got ready to go outside... which involved taking OFF her heavy coat and putting on something lighter.

"Be right back..." She kissed December on the cheek and headed down the steps. Halfway down, she yelled out: "And if I find you've gotten out of that bed... you'll wish the King brothers had finished you off!"

"Sure, sure, yeah!"

December heard the front door close and lock.

"...Reynaldo! I have to talk to him!"

December leapt out of bed. The pain from the sudden movement nearly knocked him back down again. His chest felt like a freshly-cracked egg. His left leg hurt, so he stood on his right one until he realized that IT hurt just as bad.

"Great... I'll never get anywhere like this."

December hobbled over to the closet. He pushed past Jessica's clothes and rummaged through her belongings until he found what he was looking for. It was stuffed far in the back... long forgotten. December pulled out a staff... seven feet long, perfectly straight, and carved from an especially rare hard wood. It was a weapon he hadn't used in a long time... and he wasn't going to use it as a weapon today.

Leaning heavily on the staff, December navigated the stairs and hobbled out of the house. He locked the door behind him, and then looked up towards the roof of the house.

"J'Hasp? J'Hasp, I know you're up there!"

"J'Hasp not here!" hissed a quiet voice from above. The man-thing was hiding on the roof, just out of sight. "Masster ssay J'Hasp go! J'Hasp go.. not here!"

"Come down here.. I need your help."

After a pause, J'Hasp's head peered over the edge of the roof. Huge eyes, set in a grotesque, bulbous head, looked down at December.

"J'Hasp help?" it said.

"Yes... hurry!"

J'Hasp scurried down the wall with all the ease of a squirrel or climbing lizard. He crouched beside December and began bouncing up and down on his spindly, fur-and-scale covered legs.

"J'Hasp help!"

"I'm need to see Reynaldo, but I don't have time to try and find him. Can you lead me straight to where he is?"

J'Hasp stuck his nose in the air...


"J'Hasp find..." The creature scampered across the street and up the side of a nearby building.

"Not so fast! Wait!" Moving like a crippled old man, December followed J'Hasp as best he could. After a few blocks, the soreness in his muscles abated. His bruises still hurt, but at least he could move a little faster. For the next twenty minutes, glimpses of pale fur the sound of clicking claws led December westward into the heart of the city. There, J'Hasp veered south into the seamier part of town. December was hesitant at first... for this was the lair of the King brothers. They already controlled most of the criminal activity in the city, but here in this five block area they were treated like gods. This was their own private city within a city. Pickpockets and streetwalkers roamed in broad daylight. Dishonest merchants peddled stolen goods without fear. And all of them paid their daily homage to Lonnik King and his brood

When he realized where J'Hasp was leading him, December froze. Fear gripped him. His breathing became labored and painful... and he felt faint. He walked over to the nearest building and leaned against the wall.

"No.... No I can't go..."


J'Hasp was perched above him, hanging from the wall by his claws.

"This is dangerous... I can't- They'll kill me for sure if they see me..."

"Masster go! J'Hasp protect masster!"

"J'Hasp... yeah..." December felt the fear fading. After all, hadn't J'Hasp saved him before? "...yeah... yeah, come on-"

J'Hasp led him to a seedy tavern on the outskirts of 'King-town.' The sign on the tattered door was completely illegible... the words had washed away during the last rain. December stood by the door and listened to the drunk patrons inside mumbling and shouting for more beer.

"Sounds dangerous," he said. "Are you sure Reynaldo's in here, J'Hasp?"

"Him close..." As usual, J'Hasp was staring down at December from the roof of the building.

"Yes... but is he in HERE?"

J'Hasp got a confused look.

"In here? Is he in THIS building?"

"J'hasp where here where?"

"Forget it. He's close... that's good enough. I'll go look inside."

"J'Hasp protect!" J'Hasp started to climb down.

"NO! You wait up there. Don't come in unless I call for you."

"J'Hasp wait."

December took a deep breath and opened the door. The rusty hinges protested loudly, but they were barely audible over the noise of the patrons. There had to be at least six different arguments going on simultaneously among the tavern's twenty or so occupants. It was dark... probably kept that way intentionally to keep the patrons from getting a good look at their food. December closed the door behind him and stood motionless in front of it. He couldn't make out any faces, but if he gave his eyes a few minutes to adjust...

"Hey... hey, wadda we got HERE!"

A burly drunk looked up from his swill, and his two smarmy table-mates turned around in their chairs. They were all gaping at December.

"Lookit his hair... iss all WHITE!"

"Hiss skin too... like a old man. He's even carryin' a cane!"

"Hey, old man... thiss place is too ROUGH for you... go somewhere's else!"

"I'm not an old man," said December. "I'm looking for a friend of mine. Reynaldo-"

"OH! So you're callin' me a LIAR then, eh?"

"No. Just mistaken."

"Miss Taken? Who's dat?"

"So if you're not a old man... what ARE you, then?"

"Know what he looks like, Yalloc... 'e looks like a VAMPIRE!"


"Let's see your fangs... c'mon... open up..."

"I'm not a vampire, either. Look... my friend is about this high, with dark hair-"

"How 'bout you pay for our drinks, vampire."

"I don't think so."

"Why not... we ain't WORTH your charity?"

"No... I mean YES... I mean...Umm... I don't have any money."

"How about we see for ourselves then, eh?"

The three drunks stood and surrounded December.

"Uhhh.... gentlemen, I think I... uhhh... I'll be leaving now."

"Nuh-uh..." One man thrust his meaty arm against the door, preventing December from opening it.

The other patrons were seemingly oblivious to what was going on. Either they didn't want to get involved... or this type of thing happened so often that it wasn't worth their interest.

"Let's see yer money, vamps."

"I told you-"

"How you gonna come into a tavern with no money?"

"I'm looking for-"

"Thems nice clothes you're wearin' too..."

"And that ring."

"This? This is my wedding ring, I'm not going to give you that!"

"Didn't say anythin' about GIVIN'."

"Yeah... we're into TAKIN' now!"

"Gimme the ring."

December thought about calling for help, but the sight of J'Hasp in a public place would just cause a panic. A panic that would undoubtedly be associated with HIM. Besides, though the men were large, they were very drunk and didn't appear to have any weapons.

"I said... GIMME the ring!" Two of the men pulled long daggers out of their belts.

"Oh..." December gulped. The temperature around him began to drop rapidly, but he doubted that the men could even feel it in their condition. Some of the other patrons pulled their cloaks tight and continued to ignore the developments.

"Maybe the old man's deaf, Yalloc?"

"He was hearin' pretty good a minute ago. Maybe you should clean his ears out for 'im..."

"Or cut 'im a whole new ear-hole!"

One man thrust a knife at December's face. Before he could even think, December sprung into action. Grasping his staff firmly with both hands, he swung it hard at the man's wrist. The joint snapped, and the rusty dagger vanished somewhere in the darkness of the tavern floor. December brought the other end of the staff around and cracked the man across the forehead as hard as he could. The drunk stumbled backwards and collapsed onto the table he had just gotten up from.

The two remaining drunks leapt for him... Yalloc from behind, the other in front. December ducked, and Yalloc's attempt to grab him in a bear hug yielded nothing but empty air. As December rose, he thrust the end of the staff into the other man's gut. The man dropped the knife and doubled over in pain. December then spun and swung his staff at Yalloc's head, but the large thug blocked it with his forearm. December rotated the staff and brought the other end sharply upward... right into Yalloc's chin. Then he thrust the staff behind him, planting it right in the center of the second thug's chest. December heard the man collapse, but he didn't take his eyes of Yalloc. The burly thug lunged for him like a drunken bear. Dodging to one side, December swung again... this time he introduced his staff to the bridge of Yalloc's nose. A quick rotation brought the opposite end to the back of Yalloc's head.

By all means, the drunken thug should have been unconscious... but he was either too drunk or his head was too hard to realize it. Bleeding from his broken nose, Yalloc growled and pulled a HUGE knife from a sheath hidden near the small of his back. He slashed wildly... December heard the blade as it sliced the air in front of him



The skilled application of December's staff spun Yalloc completely around, knocked the blade out of his hand, and then spun him BACK around the other direction.

But the rogue STILL didn't go down.

"Y-you... h-had enuff... g-grampa..." Yalloc mumbled as he staggered towards December. Meanwhile, the second thief had finished gathered his breath and was getting up from the floor.

December spun. He swung his weapon as if he were going to snap it across Yalloc's right temple, but as the thief rose his arm to block, December quickly altered his swing so that it hit the man in the right side, just above the waist.



December then gave Yalloc an identical strike to the left side.



While Yalloc dealt with two bruised and possibly ruptured kidneys, December dispatched the recovering thief...


The man hit the floor before he even realized he had been struck.

Amazingly, Yalloc was still on his feet.

"I'm... gonna... kill..."

The rest of Yalloc's threat was hard to understand as it was being spoken through the end of December's staff...


Six of Yalloc's teeth went cascading down his throat. Yalloc's eyes grew wide, as if he suddenly realized that he should have passed out fifteen seconds ago.



December helped him out with a single strike to the forehead. Finally, Yalloc was down.

The few tavern patrons that had bothered to watch the excitement quickly went back to their drinks. Then, as the adrenaline rush faded, December's body reminded him that he had just gotten the stuffing beaten out of him a day ago. All the movement and action had further loosened his stiff muscles, but it had seemingly awakened every wound he had received since birth. The pain drove all the strength from his body... and not even his staff was enough to support him.

December fell backward against the wall and was slowly sliding towards the floor when the tavern door opened. Someone walked in, and paused.

"...Reynaldo..." December reached out for his brother-in-law.

"Deck? Deck what are you doing HERE?!?"

"Looking for you...UNGH!"

Reynaldo saw the three unconscious bodies, and looked at December with a raised eyebrow.



"Come on... let's get out of here..."

Reynaldo grabbed December by the shoulder and tried to haul him to his feet.

"OWWWWWWW! Take it easy!"


Between his well-used staff and his brother-in-law, December managed to make it out of the tavern and into an alley across the street. Once there, Reynaldo waited patiently while December caught his breath.

"Deck, you shouldn't be out... I heard what happened with the Kings."

"I'm okay... nothing... broken..."

"What are you doing out here?"

"Had to... find you. It's about this..." December pulled the map out of his pocket and handed it to Reynaldo.

"The map!" Reynaldo's eyes widened, as did his greedy smile.

"It's real, Rey. N'Doki says it checks out."

"Good GODS!!!! We're RICH!"

"Shhhh!!! Rey!"

"Oh, yeah..." Reynaldo looked around suspiciously.

"Remember what we said we were gonna do with the map, Rey? Find the owner... get the reward..."


"Well forget that."

"What? Hey, I'm not giving this thing back for FREE!"

"We aren't giving it back."

"But YOU said-"

"Forget what I said. We can find a way to make this work for us. We'll need money..."

"I can steal-"

"No. HONEST money... from someone who's willing to take a risk on us. An investor... a partner..."

"But that'll lower our CUT!"

"These are DIAMONDS we're talking about, Rey. A third of a diamond mine is STILL more money than either of us has ever seen in our lives."

"Okay... but who..."


"HIM! That old bastard FIRED YOU!"

"And he was right; I should've left well enough alone. But this is an entirely different matter. Ylthon isn't rich, but he has the connections. He can GET the money we need... all we have to do is convince him."

"How're we gonna do that, huh?"

"He'll believe me... he knows I don't lie."

"But he doesn't know ME at all!"

"Believe me, that works in our favor. We'll talk to him... I'LL talk to him."

"What if he doesn't go for it?"

"Then we'll go somewhere else. But we HAVE to start with Ylthon... he's our best shot. And I owe him that much for all the trouble I've caused. We should go now so we can catch him at the store."

"You sure?"

"Jessica's probably already home from the market by now... since I'm in trouble anyway I might as well bring some GOOD news home with me."

"Can you walk?"

"Yeah, yeah..."

December began hobbling toward Ylthon's store, with Reynaldo right behind him. Above them both, J'Hasp hopped from rooftop to rooftop alongside them. They entertained themselves with stories of what they would do with their millions. Reynaldo dreamed of castles and jewels... but December only wanted one thing: a better life for him and his wife. They would move FAR away from this town, where they could raise their children safely out of reach of men like Lonnik King and his brothers. Of course, December failed to mention that Jessica was currently pregnant. Reynaldo was impulsive enough as it was, and somehow December didn't think the knowledge would make matters any easier.

When they reached Ylthon's store, the sun was just a hair's width away from the horizon. December felt much better than he had just an hour ago, and was able to limp along without the aid of his staff. His bones and muscles still ached, but he was happy to know that his adventure with the Kings... and in the tavern... had done no permanent damage.

Reynaldo reached out and pulled the door open. He was about to walk in when December stopped him.



December looked up at the sky, and then at the store in front of them.

"It's almost dark. That door should be locked."

"So he's a little late closing up. So?"

"He's never late."

December peered through the window and saw nothing but dark shapes outlined in shadows.

"No lights," he said. "There's no one in there. Ylthon said he might close the store for a few days... but I thought he was just talking."

"But even if he DID... why is the door unlocked?"

"Something's wrong."

Reynaldo drew a dagger out of his pocket and slowly pushed the door open.

"Stay behind me, Deck..."

As they entered the deserted store, their boots crunched on broken glass scattered across the carpet. There was a weird, acrid smell in the air that made December's stomach churn. The dim light filtering through the windows was barely enough for them to see a foot in front of them.

"What's this glass?" asked Reynaldo.

"Windows are intact... must be the display cases. Take a look..."

December pulled Rey over to a wall, where they could barely make out the remains of one of Ylthon's displays. It had been smashed and emptied.

"There should be a lamp on the wall around here..." December felt around until he found it. "Got a flint?"


Reynaldo lit the lamp, and its flickering light illuminated more of the store.

"Oh, gods..."

"Those bastards."

"No, no, no, no... this can't be..."

The store was completely demolished . Every case was smashed, and every jewel missing. Glass was strewn everywhere. And in the corner....

Ylthon didn't look like he resisted. The old man's throat had been cut cleanly from ear to ear, with no other wounds or signs of struggle. He lay crumpled in a corner like a sack of garbage. Just above him, someone had written a message on the wall. One word:


It was written in Ylthon's blood.


"Take it easy, Deck..."

Tears came to December's eyes and froze solid as they inched down his cheek.

"He didn't deserve this, Rey. He was just an old man... just an old man..."

"Easy now..."

"How could they DO this? How could they just BUTCHER him like that!"

"December, you gotta pull yourself together and you gotta do it RIGHT NOW!"


"Because y-you're F-FREEZING me to d-death in h-here!"

December backed away from Reynaldo and tried to calm himself down. He didn't say anything for a long time.

"How long ago do you think this happened?" said Reynaldo. He was looking around, but was careful not to get too close to Ylthon's corpse.

December just shook his head.

"We need to get out of here, Deck. Come on..."

Rey grabbed December's arm and ushered him out. As they were leaving, they saw the lamplight reflecting off of something on the wall behind the door. It was another message, also written in blood.

December read it and his entire body went numb.



"Deck... what's this about! How do they know my sister?"

"Gods... oh gods...


"She came HERE! She came here to talk to Ylthon! She said she was going to the market, but SHE CAME HERE!!!"


"We gotta go... we gotta GET her!"

"Go where!?!? She could be-"

"HOME! The message says HOME!"

"NO! It's a TRAP, Deck... let's go and get some guys to-"


Forgetting his pain and bruises, December bolted outside. He had only taken a few steps when...

"Hey FREAK!"

It was Scar, surrounded by four other men that December had never seen before. Scar's hand was wrapped in bandages from his earlier encounter... and he didn't look to happy about it.

Reynaldo stepped out of the shop and stood beside December.

"Where's my SISTER!!"

"You didn't get the message, freak-lover? She's at home... waitin' on HIM. But I stuck aroun'... figured I'd bring 'im to Lonnik myself. So now that we're here-"

"I don't think so, King." said December. He clutched his staff tightly.

"What are YOU gonna do abou-"


The man-creature leapt from the room and collided with the man next to Scar. He went down in a flailing storm of claws, but Scar and the others weren't frightened away as December had planned. Scar and the others drew their swords and leapt into the fray.

With the men distracted, December ran for home. Reynaldo was right in front of him. However, one of Scar's men broke free of the melee and gave chase. December heard the man's footsteps gaining on him.... as his own injuries slowed him down. He would have to fight... but Jessica... Jessica was in trouble.

"I'll handle him!" said Reynaldo. Pulling his trusty knife, Reynaldo stopped and threw himself at the pursuer.

"UNNGH!" Both men went down and began wrestling in the street.

December ran.

His thin arms and legs pumped like pistons, carrying him across town, and leaving a wake of frigid air behind him.

"Jessica, I'm coming!!!"

He reached the front door and barely stopped running in time to avoid slamming into it. When he saw that the door was ajar... his heart sank into the bottom of his stomach. He burst into the house and ran took the stairs two and three at a time. He threw open the bedroom door and saw...


Nothing had been disturbed.... everything was exactly as he left it. The bed hadn't even been made from when he awoke a few hours ago. Jessica wasn't here.

"Jessica. JESSICAAA!" he yelled. There was no response. "Oh gods, PLEASE! JESSICAAA!"

December heard a woman scream. It was coming from outside, just below the bedroom window.


December ran to the window and opened it. They were there. Jessica was being held by Lonnik King, with her right arm twisted painfully behind her back. Shadows danced across their faces from the lit torch that lay on the ground a few feet away. Jessica was struggling fiercely, trying to swing her free arm, stomp on the rogue's feet... ANYTHING to free herself. But Lonnik was a professional. He just tightened his grip and lifted up on her arm, coming within a hair of dislocating it.




Lonnik pulled a sharp dagger an placed it to Jessica's throat.








Lonnik stepped closer to the torch. The firelight illuminated the fresh, red scars running down his face.

"WHAT DO YOU SAY I GIVE THE LADY A SET TO MATCH MINE, EH?" Lonnik waved the dagger before Jessica's terrified face.






Lonnik dropped his knife, and then reached down for a small bucked that sat on the ground by his right foot. He picked it and dumped the contents all over Jessica, soaking her head and chest with a clear, glistening fluid.


Jessica coughed, and then screamed as whatever it was seeped into her eyes. It burned.





In December's mind he was already down the stairs and out the front door, but his body was far, far too slow. As he turned, December caught sight of Lonnik King as he pushed Jessica away from him. He thrust her down... down onto the burning torch beside him. The fire ignited the fresh oil on her hair and clothes.

Jessica erupted into flames.


December couldn't even hear his own screams over those of his wife. Even as he dashed down the stairs, her cries were like daggers twisting in his ears.


He ran outside and around the corner. Lonnik was gone, but Jessica was still screaming... writhing on the ground like a fish taken out of water... and set on fire. Flames licked at every inch of her body... December couldn't even see her through the smoke and fire. Wisps of burning hair and clothing fluttered through the air like fireflies.

He dropped to his knees beside her and wrapped his arms around her. He hugged her tight, and the flames died at his touch.

Jessica trembled in his arms. The trembling quickly grew into convulsions.

"Jessica... Jessica please, please don't die... please be okay..."

December released her and supported her head with his right hand. He looked down at his wife.

"...no...no, Jessica..."

Nothing above the waist was recognizable. The burning oil had charred almost all of her skin completely away. Her beautiful blond hair was gone... her scalp was just a black layer of crisp ashes.

"Jessica, don't go..."

December couldn't tell if she could her him or not. Her convulsions lessened, but her breathing got more labored with every breath.

"Jessica stay here... stay with me... HELP! SOMEBODY HELP US!!"


"Jessica, don't die-"


"Oh, no... no, Jes. No! No, PLEASE!"

"...s..so... cold... can't... can't see you..."

"I'm right here, Jes. I'm right here."


December hugged his wife once more... squeezing her tight as if his arms could keep her alive.

"...decem...ber... I... love...y..."

Jessica breathed one long sigh, and then she went limp.

"No!" December hugged her even tighter. "No! NO! NO! NOOOOOO!"

Theesa felt December's pain wash over her through the psychic link. Anger and sorrow buffeted her like a storm as she watched December kneel by his dead wife. The intensity grew so strong and so fast that she didn't think her mind could survive it. She tried to pull back... tried to end the vision... but December's

pain has sunk its teeth into her just as it had done him. Tears streamed down her own cheeks, her heart thumped heavily in her own chest. In the vision, December howled at the sky like a man insane, pouring his pain out upon the wind...


Salty tears froze solid on his face. The frozen ground crackled beneath his knees. The body of his wife grew cool... then cold... and then finally it, too froze solid in his arms.

December didn't even notice.

The air grew thick and heavy around him... but he didn't care. He COULDN'T care. The pain went on... and on...


And then suddenly it was gone.

The vision still played out in Theesa's mind... but now there was only emptiness. A terrible void had began to envelope December's soul. She could FEEL it moving across him... reaching up from the depths of his mind and extinguishing the raging storm of pain like a candle. But it didn't stop there. The cold wave moved on to swallow everything. Everything that was December. It was so insidious... so terrible. Theesa had never felt anything so...


"...my gods..." whispered Theesa.

She was seeing it. Feeling it. She was watching a man's soul die. December Chyrnomir... husband and lover... was dying right before her eyes. Buffeted by rage and anguish, the man that was December sank beneath a rising ocean of empty cold. It took him all... Every emotion... every ounce of happiness... of fear... pain... joy... laughter... sorrow... One after another they fell. Theesa shuddered as the last one... December's innocence... vanished and was gone.

But no... no something had been spared. Something horrible.

The damnable void left a seething river of shear, broiling hatred simmering just beneath the frozen surface. Hidden... but just barely. Waiting. December could feel it. Theesa could feel it.

It was all that was left.

December blinked a few times, as if awakening from a dream. He released his wife and lay her frozen body back on the ground. Then, silently, he stood.

"DECEMBER!" someone was running up behind him. It was Reynaldo. "December, I...I..- OH MY GODS!! JESSICA!"

"You are too late," said December. His voice was even and smooth... as if he were speaking of a missed appointment rather than his wife's death.

"Jessica!" Reynaldo knelt down next to his sister's body. Unlike December's Reynaldo's tears remained liquid as they streamed down his cheeks. "Oh, Jes... hey... Hey you FROZE HER! SHE'S FROZEN SOLID!"

"Unintentional," said December. He reached down to grab the wooden staff that he had carried. At his slightest touch, the staff froze solid. When he tried to pick it up, it fell apart in his hands.

"Why... Why..." Reynaldo cried.

"When you are finished sniveling, find J'Hasp and then leave this place. Get as far away as you can."


"If you value your life, you will leave this town... and you will not interfere with me now."

December turned and began walking away.

"Hey, where are you going!"

"To kill them," replied December. "I am going to kill them all."


Theesa ended the vision. She couldn't take any more. The horror of Jessica's murder was nothing compared to what she was seeing inside December's heart... Emptiness and rage. So cold. She had never experienced anything like it before. Was this the December SHE knew?

Theesa's mind told her that knew the answer to that question... but her heart wouldn't let her admit it.

There was more to the story, of that she was sure. The vision hadn't ended itself, SHE had ended it. What came next?

An unexpected sound in the house made Theesa jump. It was the door. Someone was at the door.

"December?" she said. She had meant to call out to him, but she could only manage a whisper. What if it wasn't December?

Oh gods... but what if it IS?

[To Be Continued]
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