Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror


Chapter 8: Interesting Meetings

[Eric & Lovvorn]

Two gentlemen stepped into the casino as if they owned the
place.  One was a short, fat mage dressed in a ridiculous
pink and yellow robe.  His face was red from one-too-many
ales, and it clashed horribly with his garrish attire.
He waddled over to the nearest table plopped down on a
stool.  Behind him was a lean, sinister man who's eyes
darted to every corner of the room before he joined his
companion.  The thin man reached into his pocket,  pulled
out a small, sharp dagger, and began twirling it between
his nimble fingers as the fat man continued a conversation
that had obviously begun before they entered.

"...and so this thing bursts out of the cage and starts spittin'
fire all over everywhere.  'course you missed it 'cause you were
off doing who know's what.  What WERE you doing anyw... oh,
Helllloooo therrrre..."

Lovvorn leaned over toward the woman who was seated
next to him.   He arched his eyebrows and failed miserably
at making himself look cute.

"I THOUGHT I smelled a beautiful woman...
My name is Lovvorn.  Mage Extrodainaire.  And who might
YOU be, hmmmm?"


"Its a good thing I had a bath then," Cari said, now making some use of
the huskiness of her voice, "Otherwise I'd be condemned to smell like the
horse I've seen for one too many days."

She held out her slender hand, and added, "Theisa Natch."


Lovvorn clasped the dainty hand and brought it to his lips.  He kissed
it gently... surprisingly gently for a sloppy drunk.

"And what brings you to a place like the PanDemonica?  Wanting to
see how the other half lives, or are you looking for something
in particular... a mage perhaps?"


"Came in for the festival, and since I'll be here for the duration I
decided to see what Montfort had to offer,' Cari answered, with a smile
and shrug. She turned for a minute in order to place a bet on the next
spin of the wheel - then returned to the conversation. "A truly lively
place," she added, "And diverse to boot."


"Oh, there's all kinds of things here.   Always something
going on.  Why, just the other week I had to stop
a giant fire-breathing dragon from torching half the
city.  Did it all by myself, too..."

Behind Lovvorn, Eric Hood looked up from the betting table
and cleared his throat loudly.  Lovvorn ignored him.

"And before that all these wild animals got loose in
the city.  I had to catch them ALL single handedly."

Eric tapped Lovvorn on the shoulder.

"Well, Eric helped too,"  said Lovvorn.  "A little.  And just
a little while ago I hear there was a rather odd murder in
town.  Not that murders are all that odd in a place like
Montfort... but it seems like people are taking an unusual
interest in this one.  I have no idea why, though."


Cari had heard sketchy comments about the bout of wild life Montfort had
had, but that had been while she had been away on "business" (more
accurately, recuperating from surgery). She gave Lovvorn and Eric her full
attention and with a pretty smile said, "It sounds like the town has some
very adept protectors."

There was a call for bets, but she signaled to let her number ride - even
though it had lost the last time around.

"That murder is a nasty bit of work," she agreed, "Has alot of the vendors
talking and taking a nose count." While Cari took a sip of her ale she
pondered what tidbit might catch the most information, without sounding
like she knew too much - which would be an overstatement in this
particular case.

She said, "Though some are saying - mostly the locals - that the Council
is acting all nervous. Of course, with an Elven queen coming in and royal
envoy to boot, what do you expect?"

Cari knew, and took no offense from it - after all she was a fairly new
agent, that Montfort was considered a hell hole assignment, and she
welcomed the challenge. But with this case she wished that she had more to
work on, and that the Company had been able to either send better
descriptions or a better lead on the envoy's itinary; however, they had
sent what they had - they couldn't help that both the envoy and the
secretary were rather non-descript men who had failed to stick to their
schedules. The only two things she knew were that arrangements had been
made for the envoy at the Golden Griffin in advance, and that now there
was someone else asking questions about the murder. A man whose
description could match a few hundred of the middle-aged travelers who had
come in for the festival, though it had been commented on that he was
cleaner than most, with neat hands. Unfortunately, her informant had been
a second-hand source, so she couldn't "read" an image from him, and she
hadn't been able to catch up with the witness to this "neat" individual.


"Oh, yess... there's royalty in town.  I guess that does change things a
bit.  Can't have any royal bodies floating in the river, can we? Well, my
pretty thing, I... as protector of this city... will find this murderer
and bring him to justice.  Eric?"

"I'm busy.  What?"

"Go ahead and turn yourself in.  There's been a murder.  I know you
did it."

"Ha.  Ha.  Very funny... now shut up."

"Oh, come now, you must know something... being the resident
expert and all."

"Nope.  Just what I hear...  Dead body.   Lots of people askin
questions... and a short, fat mage that has a bad habit of running
his mouth to total strangers."

"Hmmph."  Lovvorn turned back to Theisa.  "Don't mind Eric... he's
rude.  Get's that way when he hasn't killed anyone in a few hours."


Cari laughed, as if she thought Lovvorn was joking, though she wouldn't be
inclined to turn her back on either gent. Of course, she rarely turned her
back on anyone.

She looked over at Eric - again noting the efficiency of movement, then
back at Lovvorn, and said, "I doubt too many professionals would want to
claim this one - from the descriptions, which do get more colorful with
the telling, that fellow was pretty messed up. Sounds like someone got
real worried - thorough but sloppy in the execution."


"Oh well, Mr. Hood is anything but sloppy.  Couldn't have been  him."


Her number was called and "Theisa" turned her attention back to the wheel
long enough to pull in the few winnings - a couple of coin more than what
she had lost. She placed another bet, and added, "One of the things I keep
hearing - from the local merchants - is that they're worried about what
the King might think. If thats some highborn Bleckner slob they fished out
the folks are afraid that the King might send some of his own men this
way. I guess he's the kind to lock things down tight."


"Really?"  Lovvorn got a worried look on his face.  He turned to Eric and
tugged on his thin companion's sleeve.  "Did you hear that, Eric?"

"Yeah.  So?"

"King... royalty...  Remember the last time we got mixed up with royalty?"


"No... REAL royalty."

Eric Hood looked up from his winnings, glanced at Lovvorn and Theisa,
and thought for a few moments.  He frowned as if he were remembering
something unpleasant.

"Probably nothing to worry about,"  he said.  "I'll let the Boss know
what's going on."

"Maybe we should ask..."  Lovvorn shot a furtive glance at Theisa,
"...uhh... spooky...to take a look around for this guy's... you know..."



"Not our business.  We've got enough stuff to do."

"But, uhh..."  Lovvorn gestured to Eric and the two friends leaned in
close.  They exchanged some hushed whispers, and finally, Eric returned to
his gambling.  Lovvorn smiled at Theisa and made an obvious attempt to
change the subject.

"Nice weather we're having, yes?"


While the two had been talking Cari had shown only a mild, and natural,
look of curiousity, but prudently turned her attention back to the wheel.
It would be interesting to know who their "boss" was, but wisdom dictated
not asking. However, she was pleased to have stirred the waters. Right now
Montfort had the unique blessing of being somewhat self-governing, and one
thing all its citizens - be they lawabiding or not - agreed on was that
the King's interest was something to steer clear of.

Gentlemen such as Lovvorn and Eric were not likely to go to the Guard with
their information, so Cari decided to throw out one last, useful, tidbit.
She gave Lovvorn a knowing smile and said, "Tis lovely weather -
particularly for the festival."

Her smile grew a little bit more and she added, "And if I'm reading the
situation aright I'd say that some might be grateful if a flicker of light
shown on this little mystery. One of the other bits of rumor floatin'
about is that Brion Hillrover ...the lawyer's bodyguard....is doin' his
own hunting. He might be able to get the news to the right
sources....without real legal entanglements."

Cari watched the wheel spin, and the ball bounce past her number.

She shrugged and slide from the stool. "Its been a pleasure to meet you
both," she said, "But its time for me to be going. When the wheel's spins
against me this many times - so early - its best to call it a night."