Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror


Chapter 25: Bringing in the Culprit

The sky was pale with the dawn light as Cari finished teleporting Lucc,
Lawrince, with Yals and Alexandrin guarding the murderer, into Montfort.

Once they had left behind the Citadel and the wild magic that surrounded
the area they had parted company with Eric Hood and Lovvorn, but not
without both thanks and compliments on a job well done. And it had been
agreed to stay as vague as possible about who had aided in the capture.

The agent had brought the group as near to the Guards' Towers as possible
without activating their wards, and proceeded to the front gates. Yals and
Alexandrin had left to bring in Denlira's body, though they were going to
stop on the way and notify Allenel and Brion of the night's events. It was
an interesting assortment that requested admittance to the Tower. Fillip
shivered in his bounds, with blood encrusted on his face, but he showed no
interest in resisting. Lucc, in his buckskin tunic and trousers, with an
expression that was both stern and sad as he kept hold of their captive.
While Lawrince looked more than a little disheveled and exhausted. Though
Cari only had a few hairs out of place, and dirt did not show on the dark
blue of her silk walking skirt; her dagger had once more become part of
the decoration on her belt.


The guards on watch seemed less than surprised to see the odd assortment
of people before them.  They nodded politely at the group as they neared
and one asked, "What crime does that man stand accused of to be bound

It was not that unusual in Montfort for a local or traveling adventurer to
take justice into their own hands still.  But they didn't often deliver
the criminals to the Tower.  Still the Spirit's presence was clearly about
and hadn't made itself known, so the man most likely deserved his fate.


"He stands accused of two murders," Lucc said in clear voice that
carried; his blue eyes hard. "Tell Sergeant Mercer that we need to see

::Or the Sheriff,:: Cari added, ::Either will be aware of the current


"I will send a runner at once, won't you come in out of the weather
until one of them arrive?" He stepped back from the doorway to allow
them entry. He point to a private, "You go find Sgt. Mercer or the
Sheriff, and be quick about it.

The runner leapt up from his chair and out through the side door, the
sound of his soft soled boots faded quickly down the street.

The Gatekeeper look out at the band awaiting their decision.


Lucc led his prisoner on in, and was followed by Cari and the envoy.

Once inside Lawrince asked, "Do you mind if I sit down?" His exhaustion
was plainly written on his face, and his torn clothes indicated he had
had a very rough night.


He arrived at the Tower, turned toward Sgt. Mercer's office, and rapped
heavily on his door. It wasn't until he stop to catch his breath that he
noticed a small clearly written note on the door.

I will be unavailable for three days, due to a current investigation.

                        Sgt. Mercer

"Blast it all," he said and turned toward the the Sheriff's office.


"Certainly sir. By the fire if ye like. I can offer ye all, refreshment,
but it will have to be water or fruit juice."


"Water will be fine," Lawrince, gratefully accepting a chair by the

Lucc took Fillip over to a chair by the far wall, and once the murderer
had been settled the blond-haired woodsman leaned back against a wall.
Though his blue eyes were watchful of their prisoner.

Cari accepted another seat by the fire, and primly smoothed her skirt
before sitting.


He poured the juice into a carved wooden glass and handed it to the
tattered man, then turned toward the lady with them, "Miss?  "Miss
Batista? How did you end up in this? Did this man attack you as well?"


Cari looked over and gave the gatekeeper a pretty smile, and sent, ::I
was near enough to lend what meager aid I could.::


He rushed into the Sheriff's open door, and as usual the Sheriff was
working at whatever it was he did.

"Evening sir. There be three people and a man all tied up at the gate
Sheriff, they's be awantin ta speak to Sgt. Mercer up he ain't 'ere."

[Sheriff Armand]

"Really, now I believe that is a first," he stood up slowly favoring his
right leg. "Return to the gate and tell them I will be there in short

The runner turned and ran from the room as Jonathan gathered up his
cloak and headed to the watch area. He opened the door and looked
inside,"Jonese, Smith come with me. Grab a set of manacles on your way
out. Meet me at the Gatehouse."

He closed the door and wrapped his cloak tighter around him as hurried
footsteps came from the other side of the door. He shook his head
slightly still wondering why they obeyed him so easily. That thought in
his head he started limping his way to the Gatehouse.


"You might want to be prepared for a woman's body to be brought in by some
of the locals," Lucc told the gatekeeper, "They've gone back to where the
body was found in the woods."


He burst back into the tower, "Sarge, the Sheriff be coming this way.
Limping still from the wagon but he be coming." He took his seat along
the wall and started to relax, ready if he was needed.


He turned to his guest, "Sheriff Armand will be here in a moment. Was
the woman murdered by him?" he asked.


::Yes,:: Cari sent, ::But due to the sensitive nature of the situation,
it would be best to wait till Sheriff Armand arrives.::


He gave her a strange look, but nodded agreement.

[Sheriff Armand]

As he entered the tower slowly and observed those inside he recognized
the young women but not the men, although the older one had bearing that
showed even in his tattered condition.

"Good evening Lady, Gentlemen. What crimes have been committed that
require the Guard's services?"

[Lawrince Ournel/Cari]

Lawrince stiffly stood from his chair by the fire, and said, "Sheriff,
if we may speak in your office....?"

Cari knew that the envoy had yet to have any reason to trust the local
law enforcement, since most had fewer morals than Montfort's Guard; that
Ournel was only here because he was tired and out of choices.

She rose gracefully from her seat, and moved to stand near the envoy.
And after nodding towards where Fillip slumped she sent, so only the
Sheriff, the envoy, and Lucc could hear, ::That man has committed two
murders. However, the situation requires some delicacy and privacy.::

[Sheriff Armand]

He looked at them both then at The other two, "You have me at a
disadvantage. You know who I am and though I recognize the lady here as
a citizen of Montfort, but the rest of you I do not know. What delicacy
could murder carry that it needs to be hidden behind closed doors. If it
is murder then the Council will decide how best to deal with. We will
only hold the suspect until that time. The Guard does not judge."


::True,:: Cari sent to the Sheriff only, ::However, this is a matter of
political delicacy, and Mr. Ournel, our missing royal envoy, is skittish
enough - other townguards do not have the high standards, nor good
reputation, that Montfort's Guard enjoys.:: Her tone contained no
sarcasm, but was very matter-of-fact.

She nodded towards Lucc, and continued, ::Lucc is also a citizen and is a
friend of Brion Hillrover, and Lucc has told us that your Sargeant Mercer
was investigating a very worrisome murder case. And if it was simply a
case of handing over the murderer we would happily do so - however, there
are some loose strings. All of which is why we prefer not to discuss this
in front of your kind gatekeeper.::

[Sheriff Armand]

He raised an eyebrow at the mention of the envoy and glanced toward the
man in question. He stifled a bow and replied, "Then let us move this
conversation to my office," he offered Batista his arm and in a low
voice asked her, "Do we require a Council member?"


Cari delicately set her hand on the Sheriff's arm and sent, ::Mr. Gilford
has been sent for. As their legal consultant he will be able to decide how
best to proceed.::

She continued with a polite smile, and sent, ::My apologies for not giving
a proper introduction. I am Batista Dyer. The young man, as I mentioned,
is Lucc. And this is Lawrince Ournel.:: The gatekeeper heard nothing of
her sending.

Lawrince gave the Sheriff a nod of greeting, and moved to follow them.

[Guardsman Jones and Smith]

They entered the tower just as the Sheriff offered his arm.

"Where is the prisoner sir?" asked Pvt Jones.

[Sheriff Armand]

He looked at Batista and Lucc, "May we take charge of the prisoner, he
will be kept in a private cell and well guarded."


Lucc moved away from the prisoner and said, "He's all your's."

::Make sure its warded,:: Cari added coldly, ::He's a mage - with just
enough talent to be dangerous, but not alot of brains so he might get
some stupid notion about escaping.:: As she looked at the bloody and
dejected figure she had her doubts. .

"Yals and Alexandrin will be bringing in a young woman's body," Lucc said,
eyeing Fillip with disgust and anger.


"....Denlira....," Fillip said, barely rousing himself, "...I loved her so
much....." Tears wetted his bloodied cheek and nose.


"And killed her," Lucc spate out - going to join the envoy.

[Sheriff Armand]

"Smith, contact Capt. Sterling or Mage Brendan and have them check the
wards to make sure they are intact. Until then keep his hands locked and
gag him as well." He turned toward the door, "Lady if you will. The
Guardmens will take care of him for now."

"Have you eaten? If not I can have something brought from the kitchens."

[To be continued.]