Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror


Chapter 2: Murky Waters

[Brion Hillrover]

Brion Hillrover crouched on the bank of the canal - amoungst some
concealing bushes, guarding a pile of clothing while the three Seula
Muintirr healers swam beneath the muddy waters. He knew that none of them
liked swimming in what they considered "sick" water, but were doing so at
his request - on the off chance that they might find a clue to who the
murdered man was.

Normally he would have to share their opinion that dead bodies were not
uncommon in Montfort - be it from natural causes or murder. However, with
the King's envoy now overdue Brion had reluctantly asked the Selkies help
in proving or disproving that the dead man and the envoy were one in the

In the depths of the canal Tadpaidh, along with the two males - Fallian
and Soillier, twisted and slipped through the darkness in seal skins as
dark as the water. Their sight was unbothered by the lack of light - and
offered them sights of many of the canal's secrets. Many of which were not
pleasant. And some were simply sad.

They had started their search near where the body had been found, and had
circled outwards; Tadpaidh and Fallian had picked up anything that looked
promising with their mouths and dropped it into a canvas bag that Soillier
hauled along in his teeth. At long last they considered their bag full and
swam back towards where their clan-friend, Brion, waited.

Three seal heads broke the surface of the water, bobbing in the sluggish
tide, watching Brion with glittering black eyes - then the three selkies
pulled themselves up on the shore near where the warpiper sat. There were
reasons why he had chosen such an isolated spot - and as Brion watched the
seals began to bite at their skins, until blood shown in the torn flesh;
then the selkies worked at the opening, wiggling free of their seal skins.
And soon the three stood handsome and naked in the daylight, with their
long black, wet, hair glistening down their backs in the sunlight.

The warpiper would have averted his eyes except that Tadpaidh crouched in
front of him and offered him the bag. "Here be our find," she said in a
liquid voice, which quickly turned to a fluid laugh when she saw the tinge
of red in Brion's cheeks. "I forget that landwalkers hide their skins and
are shy of seeing them," she said, rocking back on her heels.

"I'm only shy of being shown such loveliness," Brion said, and busied
himself with emptying the bag of of its muddy contents.

Tadpaidh laughed again. Her music being joined by Soillier and Fallian,
who had already begun to pull on their loose tunics and trousers.

Fallian asked, "De ye see anything of use, Brion?"

The warpiper had scattered the contents before him. Soggy shoes. Broken
glasses. Several necklaces. Bits of assorted trinkets. "We'll have to see
if anything matches what the victim was wearing," he said as he gently
wiped away mud - making sure to only touch the pieces with a handkerchief,
"Or let the mages see what they can 'read'......"

His brow furrowed as he noted what appeared to be a gold signet ring, with
a silt-filled seal. "Or perhaps...," he said, "There is something...."

With great care he wrapped the ring in a handkerchief, and dropped it in
an empty pouch. "I think I need to show this to the Guard and Allenel," he

Brion glanced up and saw that all three of the Seula Muintirr were
dressed, and said, "And my thanks to ye for suffering the waters to find
these things."

"It did us ne harm," Soillier said, "And we are happy to aid ye."

Soon the selkies has locked away their seal skins in their warded bags,
and had headed back towards the Paevel Ranch. Leaving Brion to head
towards Allenel's office - he wanted to see if the lawyer could join him
at the Guard's office. In hopes that they could identify whether or not
this was an official signet ring.